Hi guys! I’m Grace Griggs.
I’m a Mechanical Engineering major. I’m planning to graduate in 2021, but I would really like to do a co-op while at Tech, which might push that back a bit. I’m in the online section of the course so that I can spend my Summer at home in New Hampshire. Outside of class I’m doing construction and repair work at a local horse farm, which I’m really enjoying. My current project is building lean-to shelters for the horses and my next project is to repaint the entire farmhouse.
English is not always my favorite subject, but interesting course material can more than make up for that. My favorite English class I have ever taken was a combination English/Modern History class I took during my senior year of high school. This is my first college level English class so I’m not entirely sure what to expect. I definitely didn’t expect that I’d get class credit for tweeting. I am hoping to improve my verbal communication skills during this semester, as that is the area I struggle the most with.
I’ve heard of Hamilton before, but I had been avoiding listening to it because I thought I might see it one day and I wanted to avoid spoilers. This is great because I’m coming at the show without any previous baggage. I did theater tech and set construction all throughout high school and worked on several musicals, so you might think that I am a big fan of musical theater, but I’m actually not. When I watch a play I mainly focus on the technical aspects like the lighting and set design because those are the parts I find the most interesting. I’ll watch musicals, but I don’t really care for them outside of the tech. I am excited because this class will push me outside of my comfort zone by focusing on the elements of a show that I tend to pay less attention to.
Here are a couple of the animals from the farm I work at: Honey Badger (top) and Figaroo (bottom).