Hello, my name is TK Chimedza. I am a Business Administration major. I plan on graduating in 2021, but due to possible internships or job opportunities, I may graduate in 2022. I am a member of the Georgia Tech Football team. I love almost anything associated with athletics. As far as English, I do enjoy reading Greek Mythology. I am not a big fan of digging deep into all the aspects of certain literatures which were taught to me in the past.
Of course I am attending English 1102 this summer, but I am also taking HIST 2112 B and AMC CS. I am an in class student for the English 1102 course. If I were not a part of the Football team, I probably would have been an online student.
As far as WOVEN goes, I am pretty good with oral communication. I find it easy to translate or convey a certain message by talking about it. Where I am most inefficient is in the electronic communication of WOVEN. Using different platforms such as prezi or making a pecha kucha are very hard for me to comprehend myself, so trying to find a way to have someone else also comprehend is very hard for me. When took English 1101 last semester, I made a small improvement in my electronic communication but the progress wasn’t enough for me to successfully complete something like a presentation. With the major annotation project this semester, I plan on improving my skill level with electronic communication.
Until this class I have never heard of the Alexander Hamilton musical. I am interested in seeing if it is like most musicals or if it is unique and has its own creativity. I never really liked musicals, I always thought they were corny and the characters would always start singing at the wrong or most predictable times.