For my annotation project, I chose the document about the Hamilton and Burr duel correspondence. I chose it because it felt like the most exciting part of Hamilton’s life, even though it would inevitably result in his death. The document were letters sent by Hamilton and Burr back and forth to each other. These letters would later on lead to the two having the duel. When starting the annotations, I chose not start off going line to line. Instead I would a couple of lines at a time so it would be easier for me to read and comprehend and then I would just dissect them down to the lines. As of right now I only have fives sources that are consistently helping with deciphering the text in the document. Of the five, I am getting the bulk of my information from two of the sources. These sources were wikisource and webster’s bibliography. As far as setting up the annotations, I only copied my annotations to google docs. I did this so I could just copy and paste the annotations to the document when everything was ready.