By: Kristen English
The feedback I received for my project through the peer review was very helpful and insightful. It gave me a different perspective on some things and helped me to see what was relevant and what was not. I made changes according to some of the suggestions but decided to keep some elements as well. Overall I felt as if the peer review was extremely beneficial and I am glad that I was given the opportunity to participate in it.
One suggestion I was given was to rewrite the blog entries from my project and make them sound more formal as Hamilton would have. I decided not to take this suggestion into the revision process and I was not intending to tell the story as Hamilton would have in the past. My goal was to tell the story of the song My Shot from a modern perspective. I felt like using modern dialect would help to tell the story more than using dialect that Hamilton might have in the Revolutionary Era.
Another suggestion I was given was to rewrite the character in the blog posts political views to align with Hamilton’s views in real life. I also decided not to take this piece of advice, as my goal was not to make the character in the blogs exactly a mirrored representation of Hamilton. The goal was to get the spirit and to tell the story of the song My Shot and I feel like the background and views that the character I created has helps to tell the story from a modern perspective. I did however take into consideration my partners suggestion of getting rid of characters who do not add anything to the story. I agree that some characters were added who did not contribute to the overall project.
In conclusion I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to have another peer review my work and to tell me what could be fixed and what could be made better. I believe through this project I have gained a deeper understanding of the meaning behind the song My Shot and really admire Miranda for creating such an inspiring and deep piece.