For the Remix Adaptation project, we had to chose a song from the Hamilton Mix tapes and remix them. When thinking about the phrase ‘ remixing a song’ you would think that we had to write a whole song with our own lyrics, but we had a more broader spectrum of ways we could remix it. For example we could draw a poster or make a slide show that depicts the song but in ways that correlate to you. For my project I chose the song ‘ Ten Duel Commandments’ which talked about ten duel rules to follow when in duels. With me being a football player, I decided to list 10 important rules that one should follow when playing Football. I put it in a slideshow and for each rule, I would put a jersey number that corresponded to it. Kelton Dawson peer reviewed my work and gave me the advice to add more pictures to give my audience a better understanding of each rule that I was depicting. He also informed me to make sure my audience had a clear picture of the message I was trying to portray, the last thing I would have wanted was a confused audience. Overall I felt like my project was pretty good. The hardest part for me was trying to be creative. I’ve always liked being blunt and straight to the point when it came to projects like this, but for the sake of my grade I had to try and find some creativity within myself. Another obstacle I was facing was the thought that my remix wasn’t enough. After all I was trying to make the most out of a list of 10 things. But some of my online classmates were doing the same song and seeing their examples gave me the right idea of what was enough versus what wasn’t.