By: Clarisa Colton
Going into this project, I was not totally sure what my final product would be like. When I first began work on the project, I mainly worked on learning the melody of the song. Since I haven’t touched my cello all summer, it definitely took me a minute to get back into the groove of things. I remembered why I love playing so much, and I’m so glad this project gave me the opportunity revisit this part of me. My first draft was mainly just a taste of what I wanted my final product to be. I recorded the first part of the song (Hurricane) – the part before the rap. This was partially due to time constraints and partially due to me not yet having a plan for the rap part. I received really good feedback for my work at that point, and really liked the idea of my peer editor to add more instruments to perhaps add some more emotion into the song, however I didn’t end up doing this mostly because I’m really not skilled with any other instruments, aside from basic piano skills, and didn’t have the time or resources to work that out.
Since my cello is at home and I have been living on campus this summer, I had to go home in order to record and work on the project. I was able to complete everything by only going home twice – but I developed ideas for what I wanted to do while still here. What I ended up doing for the rap portion of the song was playing basically the same background/bass line but doing a bit of improvisation during the section where Miranda usually does the rap portion. I thought this was effective and in line with the rest of my work because it captured the song Hurricane in a way that speaks in a slightly different way than the original. My main purpose in this project was to present a piece of music that showed communication can be achieved without the use of words and language. I feel that playing improv on an instrument is akin to freestyle rapping, but without words. It is a creative type of expression that can communicate just as effectively as speech, albeit in a completely different way. The rest of the process was basically me learning the rest of the song, then looking up what basic chords were used during each part of the song and kind of just going with what I thought sounded good. A lot of my life has centered around my social anxiety, and talking has been very hard for me for a long time, and cello has always been one of the ways I was able to communicate without words, so that is really want I wanted to get out of this.
If you want to check out my final project, I uploaded it to Soundcloud!