Metadata: Aditya Dalal, ENGL 1102 A01
Project Description
I want to produce a small introductory book about the Collatz Conjecture. It will be a 50-100 page small book with diagrams to make a non-mathematical audience understand this famous problem in mathematics. I want to do this because this problem is considered to be as easy to understand as a party trick, but has not been proven by the best mathematicians in the world. It represents the beautiful dichotomy between the simplicity and logic and the complexity and challenges of mathematics. I want to inspire a number of people to enjoy mathematics and want to empower them with the knowledge required to understand the Collatz conjecture not only from a mathematical, but also non-mathematical viewpoint. I have provided a very crude plan and a description of each chapter in the document attached.
Statement of Positionality:
I am an Electrical Engineering student. I enjoy mathematics. However, I understand that a large number of people do not really enjoy mathematics. Some do enjoy it but do not understand complex equations. Therefore, I want to position my work in an introductory format, which could give a glimpse of the beauty of mathematics to non-mathematicians and could give those interested in mathematics the confidence to learn more and engage more in mathematical reading and work.
My perspectives are colored by the belief that mathematics is the language of the universe and of logic and that mathematics underlies the simplest and the most complex of things. I want to share this perspective with the audience through an example.
The information needed is basic knowledge about mathematics (counting, addition, etc.) The knowledge that follows will be provided in the book itself. Additionally, since it is a book that is completely introductory, the audience could not have heard of the topic (the Collatz Conjecture) and can easily understand and follow the book.
Target Audience:
The target audience will be a non-mathematical audience that is interested in mathematics but does not have professional experience or knowledge in the field of mathematics.
An interview with a mathematician could be possible. A lot of websites and research papers will have TO be reviewed.
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