Renowned Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngoi Adichie, in the TED Talk, “The Danger of a Single Story,” recounts her personal experience of being faced with the unintended consequences of a story to paint a picture of how stories can potentially shape perspectives. She She uses anecdotes, her experience and references to sociopolitical historical events for presenting her ideas. The main audience includes writers, who could be inspired to make their stories reflect more than one perspective, and readers, who could be inspired to not wholly consider a story to reflect factual information. Very briefly, the author aims to present the readers with the message that the truth is almost always reflective of a kaleidoscopic mosaic of differing perspectives and can be restricted by the singular perspectives offered by many stories.
I believe the TED talk is a credible one, given the credentials of the speaker and the intended audience. There is no bias given the nature of the talk and it being against bias. This could be useful in my work in terms of controlling my biased view of mathematics as an educated person. However, given my educated audience, I do not think this would be very applicable.
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