Full Cab Driving Simulator (Ford Fusion)
- 360-degree view of the virtual environment
- 6 DOF motion base
- Force-feedback steering wheel
- Fully customizable dashboard & center stack (touch screen)
- 5.1 surround sound audio system
- Spatialized audio
- Ambient vehicle, engine, wind, and tire noise
- Vibration transducer for road rumble

Networked Driving Simulators
- High performance PC platform
- Operator platform laptop
- 3 x 27″ screens driving view
- USB based steering wheel and pedals
- Automatic and manual transmission
- 2.0 audio system
- Ambient vehicle, engine, wind, and tire sounds
Physiological Sensors

Smart Eye Pro Dx Camera x4
- Non-intrusive eye tracking
- Natural head movement
- Enhanced resolution

OpenBCI EEG Headset:
- 16 electrode channels
- Dry/wet electrodes
- Integrated with MATLAB

Shimmer ECG Unit:
- 5-wire, 4-lead ECG measures
- Bluetooth data streaming
- 10 DoF inertial motion sensing

HD Behavioral Camera x4:
- Synchronized video and data stream
- Event mark and review
- Remote command interface

Oculus Rift S:
- Fast-switch LCD panel (2560×1440)
- Lab-scale position tracking
- Hand and gesture controller