Atlanta News First interviewed Dr. Peeta (April, 2024)
Dr. Peeta was interviewed by Atlanta News First on April 30 in the ACT lab. During the interview, students demonstrated the driving simulator and Dr. Peeta commented on Waymo’s testing of driverless vehicles in Atlanta.

Fox News 5 Atlanta interviewed Dr. Peeta (April, 2024)
Dr. Peeta was interviewed by Fox News 5 Atlanta (WAGA) on April 23 in the ACT lab. During the interview, Dr. Peeta provided insightful comments on Waymo’s testing of driverless vehicles in Atlanta and showcased students working on Connected Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) experiments.

WSB-TV Interviews Dr. Peeta on Autonomous Vehicle Deployment in Atlanta (November, 2023)
In an interview with WSB-TV, Dr. Peeta shared his expert perspective on the deployment of autonomous vehicles in Atlanta. Dr. Peeta communicated cautious skepticism regarding the current state of driverless cars and their readiness for the complexities of Atlanta’s traffic. He emphasized the importance of extensive testing in real traffic conditions to ensure the smooth integration of such vehicles into the existing transportation framework. Read more

New NIH grant awarded
(June, 2022)
A grant from the National Institutes of Health is awarded to support a joint Emory Eye Center-Georgia Tech investigation to improve driving safety of older drivers with peripheral vision loss due to glaucoma. These drivers demonstrate 3-5 times higher probability of being involved in vehicle collisions. Read more

NSF Smart and Connected Communities (SCC) grant awarded (August, 2021)
The ACT Lab was awarded a $2.5 million grant to develop systematic deployment tools for improving travel mobility, safety, equity, and access in the City of Peachtree Corners, GA. Multi-objective and multi-agent optimization methods, machine learning, behavioral economics, and data and policy analytics, will be applied to generate multidimensional solutions for the community. Read more

May, 2021
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras featured their alumnus Dr. Peeta on their Twitter page and recognized 25 years of his work with global universities and excellent mentorship.

2020 Matthew G. Karlaftis Best Paper Award
(April, 2021)
Dr. Peeta and his former doctoral student Dr. Mohammand Miralinaghi Srinivas Peeta received the 2020 Matthew G. Karlaftis Best Paper Award from the ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems for the paper “Design of Multiperiod Tradable Credit Scheme under Vehicular Emissions Caps and Traveler Heterogeneity in Future Credit Price Perception”. It was selected from the 66 articles published in the journal in 2020.

ITS Seminar talk at UC Davis
(April, 2021)
Dr. Peeta has delivered a seminar talk at the University of California, Davis’s ITS weekly seminar series on the work “Deployable Decentralized Routing Strategies using Envy-Free Incentive Mechanisms for Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Environments”.

New Tier 1 University Transportation Center awarded
(August, 2020)
Dr. Peeta is a member of the Georgia Tech-led $1 million Tier 1 University Transportation Center, T-SCORE: Transit – Serving Communities Optimally, Responsively, and Efficiently. The UTC aims to define a set of strategic visions that will guide transit into a sustainable and resilient future.

Fort Benning visits ACT lab
(January, 2020)
ACT Lab was honored to host Fort Benning Garrison Commander Colonel Matthew Scalia and his team to discuss Installations for the Future for Fort Benning at Georgia Tech. Dr. Peeta demonstrated ACT lab’s facilities and capabilities to the Fort Benning team.

Autonomous transportation and connected roads (ATCR) seed grant awarded
(January, 2020)
ACT lab was awarded a grant from City of Peach Corners for investigating the role of urban infrastructure modifications on the performance of autonomous vehicles (AVs) in mixed traffic environments. ACT lab’s high-fidelity driving simulator would be used to evaluate the infrastructure designs that can enhance transportation safety. read more

State budget offices visit ACT Lab
(August, 2019)
ACT Lab was honored to host State Budget offices (Governor’s office, House and Senate budget office staff) at Georgia Tech. Dr. Peeta provided an overview of ACT Lab’s research and discussed the research possibilities in driving safety with staff members.

Dr. Srinivas Peeta is recognized as IIT Madras distinguished alumnus
(April, 2019)
Dr. Srinivas Peeta was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. The honor was bestowed on only 159 alumni in the award’s 25-year existence.