I recently worked seven days in a row with six of those days boasting some very large college fairs. You can find some of my thoughts about college fairs here and I have more thoughts on that topic in a part 2 coming next spring. Notable fair moments included fairs so hot my glasses fogged […]
What is Success in College Admission and YOUR Senior Year?
In my office, I have a lots of paintings from my daughter, a few awards, diplomas, and certificates, as well as a number of books, pictures, and admittedly some random other décor I’ve picked up along the way. Most of the time, since I am in there so frequently, I don’t really stop and pay […]
What are your admission requirements? Part II
Our last blog was geared toward helping students applying to college keep an open mind about their choices and options, and ensure they have a solid support system around them. I am hopeful students actually read the piece and will take my advice to heart, because the only emails I received afterward were from parents. […]
Is That a Good School?
Listen to the podcast: Spreaker | Spotify | Apple Podcasts On Sunday after lunch, I was watching college football highlights, when the back-and-forth battle in Happy Valley between the University of Illinois and Penn State came on. At the time, my 10-year-old daughter was stretching on the living room floor next to me (something I […]
The Top 1 Question to Ask in YOUR College Admission Experience
Listen to “The Top 1 Question to Ask In YOUR College Admission Experience – Rick Clark” on Spreaker. A few years ago, I wrote That One Thing. This blog opens with an embarrassing personal travel story (returning readers will note a pattern) and goes on to suggest that the most important thing you can do in the college admission experience is to listen– to counselors, parents, older […]