Check our latest podcast in the Climate Confident series
Author: Annalisa Bracco
Luisa’s paper on the Gulf of Mexico (or Gulf of America…) is published!
Check out our latest work to understand connectivity around the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. You can find ‘Physical Connectivity Between Mesophotic Areas in the Northern Gulf of Mexico’ onΒ JGR β Oceans, 130, e2024JC021753,Β
Xiamen reunion!
Wonderful dinner in Xiamen with the EAS delegation at XMAS2025

First podcast for 2025
Thank you to Biochar Life for having me on their podcast.
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News article in The Conversation
Sobering piece for The Conversation, as we officially surpassed 1.5oC warming in 2024
New podcast on How to Protect The Ocean to close 2024!
Check our new paper in Nature Reviews Physics
Happy to share our review on ML and the physics of climate, in Nature Reviews Physics! Machine Learning and the Physics of Climate.
Congrats to Dr. McKinley!
Matthew successfully defended his PhD on November 5th!
Skylar and Luisa were among the students from GT who spent few days in the Florida Keys working on a very cool project
New paper published on Scientific Reports by Skylar and Luisa!
New paper from OSE PhD students Skylar and Luisa on the coral connectivity around Moorea and Tahiti and how pristine reefs far away may have helped the fast recovery seen after bleaching events.