The PICES WG-38 review on N Pacific mesoscale dynamics and impacts on ecosystem is published in Progress in Oceanography! Check it out here
Latest work on corals
Our latest work using ML to understand connectivity and biodiversity in the Coral Triangle can be found at and you can read a summary here. Congrats to Ljuba!
A new paper on Frontiers for Young Minds
A paper for young readers explaining why the eastern boundaries of ocean basins are full of fish has been published here
Congratulations to Luisa and Sara!
Welcome to Skylar and Anna!
Go, Rondro!
Finally Fabrizio’s work is out in PRX!
The investigation of the tropical Pacific’s attractor is finally published on PRX and is open access! Great work by
Fabri Falasca showing how methods from dynamical systems and manifold learning offer a simpler, physically sound framework for evaluating and improving upon climate models.!
A summary of our live review in Dubai is on youtube
Check out a 6-min video of our live review of the marine heat wave manuscript at the EXPO2020
Two new graduate students joining our group!
Welcome to Skylar Lama and Yonglin Huang who will join our group in August to start their PhD adventure!