Just because it’s such an incredible environment. Out today in Nature Physics
and COS web page https://cos.gatech.edu/news/dipping-toe-jupiters-atmospheric-oceans-and-polar-cyclones
Just because it’s such an incredible environment. Out today in Nature Physics
and COS web page https://cos.gatech.edu/news/dipping-toe-jupiters-atmospheric-oceans-and-polar-cyclones
Elise Beaudin and I are headed to Dubai at the 2020 World Expo in January. Our contribution to Frontiers for Young Minds will be reviewed live at the Swiss Pavilion during the thematic week on the UN SDGs and human health!
All presentations at KITP on machine learning and the physics of climate are available at https://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/climate21/
Presentations from the conference can be found at https://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/climate-c21/
THANK YOU KITP for the opportunity!
After 7 weeks in beautiful Santa Barbara and a full immersion in ML and climate science, Annalisa is finally back at GT
Congratulations to Rondro are in order! She is the 2021 ICTP prize awardee for her works on climate in Africa https://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/media-centre/news/2021/12/ictp_prize_2021.aspx
Well done! Go Rondro!
Guangpeng moved to Hawaii to start his postdoc in Dr. Brian Powell’ Lab. All the best, and we’ll come visit you ASAP!