Group Leader
Annalisa Bracco, Professor
email: abracco-at-gatech.edu
Ph.D. 2000, University of Genova/Torino. CV
I am a Professor in Ocean and Climate Dynamics in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. My group’s research revolves around climate modes of variability, multiscale dynamics of geophysical flows and their interactions with biological and chemical tracers. Our work is intrinsically interdisciplinary and we use climate and ocean models and data science tools to investigate physical drivers in natural systems.
Current Graduate Students
Alessandro Raganato (Ph.D. , EAS)
B.S. Physics, Universita’ La Sapienza, Roma; M.S. Climate dynamics, ICTP, Trieste Research Interests: Climate variability and change
Yonglin (Anna) Huang (Ph.D, OSE)
B.S. Zhejiang University in Marine Science
Research Interests: Physical oceanography, bottom-boundary mixing
Skylar Lama (Ph.D, OSE)
B.S. University of Maryland in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Research Interests: Physical oceanography and its links to marine ecology
Luisa Lopera-Garcia (Ph.D, OSE)
B.S. and M.S. National University of Colombia, Medellin
Research Interests: Deep-water coral connectivity, bottom-boundary layer turbulence in the ocean
Qi Zhang (Ph.D. co-advised with Prof. Ito, OSE)
B.S. and M.S. Ocean Biogeochemistry, Xiamen University
Research Interests: Theory and Modeling, Ocean Biogeochemistry
Current Postdocs
Dr Xing Zhou, Ph.D. 2023 Michigan Technological University
Research Interests: Ocean biogeochemistry, ocean connectivity, machine learning
Dr Pratik Aghor, Ph.D. 2023 University of New Hampshire
Research Interests: Ocean turbulence, internal waves, modeling and theory
Past Graduate Students and Postdocs
Dr Ljuba Novi, Ph.D. 2020 University of Pisa
Research Interests: Climate, ocean dynamics, marine connectivity, machine learning, data science. Currently Research Scientist, NOC, Liverpool
Fabrizio Falasca (Ph.D., EAS, 2021)
B.S. and M.S. Physics, University of Torino
Research Interests: Climate dynamics, dynamical system theory, data science.
Currently Postdoctoral Fellow at Courant, NYU https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fabrizio-Falasca
Guangpeng Liu (Ph.D., EAS, 2021)
B.S. East China Normal University, M.S. Ocean University of China
Research Interests: Regional Ocean Modeling, ocean submesoscales, data science.
Currently Professor at SKLEC http://english.sklec.ecnu.edu.cn/Staff/LiuGuangpeng
Xiyuan Zeng (M.S., EAS, 2021)
B.S. in Engineering in Marine Resources Development Technology Shandong University
Research Interests: Theory and Modeling, South China Sea ocean circulation
Currently Ph.D. student at Sun Yat-sen University
Chiara De Falco (Ph.D. co-adviser, with Prof. Pasquero, Un. Milano-Bicocca, 2021)
B.S. and M.S. Physics, Un. Milano-Bicocca
Research Interests: Ocean circulation around coral reefs, climate change, regional ocean modeling
Currently Researcher at NORCE, Norway https://www.norceresearch.no/en/persons/chiara-de-falco
Daoxun Sun (Ph.D. co-advised with Prof. Ito, EAS, 2020)
B.S. and M.S. Atmospheric Science, Peking University
Research Interests: Theory and Modeling, Biogeochemical Variability
Currently on a tenure track at QNML, Qingdao, China
Filippos Tagklis (Ph.D. co-advised with Prof. Ito, EAS, 2020)
B.S. Physics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Research Interests: Regional Ocean Modeling, Climate Variability
Currently Climate expert at the International Monetary Fund
Keshav Joshi (M.S. School of Physics, GT, 2015)
B.S. Physics, Villanova University, PA
Research Interests: modeling, data science
Currently Data Engineer/Scientist/Visualization Designer in India
Ilias Fountalis (Ph.D. co-advised with Prof. Dovrolis, CoC, GT, 2015)
B.S. and M.S. Athens University of Economics and Business
Research Interests: Complex networks, data science, ML, AI
Currently Data Scientist at RelationalAI
Yuley Cardona (Ph.D. , EAS, 2013)
B.S., M.S. Civil Engineering, National University of Colombia, Medellin
Research Interests: Regional Ocean Modeling, Climate Variability, predictability
Currently Associate Professor, National University of Colombia, Medellin https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1146-5527
Yisen Zhong (Ph.D. EAS, 2013)
B.S. Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China, Qingdao
Research Interests: Ocean modeling, meso- and submeso-scale processes
Currently Associate Professor, School of Oceanography, Shanghai Jiao Tong University https://soo.sjtu.edu.cn/en/szTeachers/3590.html
Rondro(tiana) Barimalala (Ph.D. , co-adviser with Dr. Kucharski, Un. of Trieste, 2012)
M.S. Diploma ICTP, Trieste
Research Interests: African climate, climate variability, predictability
Currently Tenured Scientist, NORCE https://www.norceresearch.no/en/persons/rondrotiana-barimalala
Inga Koszalka (Ph.D., Politecnico di Torino, 2008)
M.S. Physical Oceanography, University of Gdansk, Poland
Research Interests: Ocean transport, modeling and observations, coastal oceanography
Currently Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Sweden https://soo.sjtu.edu.cn/en/szTeachers/3590.html