Students in the minor must choose one of two tracks to determine their course requirements. Note that students can choose either track, regardless of their major, but students are strongly advised to contact their academic advisor in the major to decide which track aligns best with their interests, career goals, and major degree requirements. The minor requirements are outlined below for both tracks.

Ivan Allen College Track

Students in the IAC Track must complete the following requirements;

Core 1: Statistics (3 CH)

ECON 2250 – Statistics for Economists

PUBP 3120 – Statistical Analysis for Public Policy

Core 2: Fundamentals of AI/ML (3 CH)

ECON 4803 – Introduction to Data Science for Economics

PUBL 3042 – Data Science for Public Policy

Core 3: Policy and Ethics (3 CH)

PHIL 3101 – AI Ethics and Policy
(offered as PHIL 4803 in Fall 2024)

Electives (6 CH)**

ECON 4161 – Machine Learning for Economics

PHIL 4752 – Philosophical Issues in Computation

LING 3100 – Applications of Linguistics

LING 4100 – Language & Computers

INTA 2040 – Science, Technology, and International Affairs 

LMC 3451 – Race Gender and Digital Media

XXXX 4699 – Undergrad Research*

* Research credits must be related to AI/ML in order to count towards the minor. Each School will designate a specific person to review and approve applicability of research credits towards the minor; reach out to the advising contact for your major for details. Only 3 credit hours of research may be counted as an elective for this minor.
** If a Core 1 or Core 2 course is required for a student’s major degree, then it can be replaced with an additional Elective to reach the 15 credit hours needed for the minor.

Engineering Track

Students in the Engineering Track must complete the following requirements;

Core 1: Statistics (3 CH)

BMED 2400 – Introduction to Bioengineering Statistics

ISYE 3770 – Statistics and Applications

ECE 3077 – Introduction to Probability and Statistics for ECE

MATH 3670 – Probability and Statistics with Applications

Core 2: Fundamentals of AI/ML (3 CH)

BMED 3201 – Introduction to Machine Learning for Biomedical Engineers

CHBE 4745 – Data Analytics for Chemical Engineers

ECE 4252 – Fundamentals of Machine Learning (FunML)

ME/MSE 4803 – Data Foundations for Engineering Applications of Machine Learning

Core 3: Policy and Ethics (3 CH)

PHIL 3101 – AI Ethics and Policy
(offered as PHIL 4803 in Fall 2024)

Electives (6 CH)**

BMED 3211 – Introduction to Bioinformatics

BMED 4478 – Biomed-AI and Health Informatics

BMED/ECE 4783 – Introduction to Medical Image Processing

CHBE 4746 – Data-Driven Process Engineering

ECE 2026 – Intro to Signal Processing

ECE 3251 – Optimization for Information Systems

ECE 4258 – Digital Image Processing

ECE 4270 – Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing

ECE 4271 – Applications of Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning

ECON 4161 – Machine Learning for Economics

PHIL 4752 – Philosophical Issues in Computation

LING 3100 – Applications of Linguistics

LING 4100 – Language & Computers

INTA 2040 – Science, Technology, and International Affairs 

LMC 3451 – Race Gender and Digital Media

ME 4012 – Modeling and Control of Motion Systems

ME 4451 – Robotics

XXXX 4699 – Undergrad Research*

* Research credits must be related to AI/ML in order to count towards the minor. Each School will designate a specific person to review and approve applicability of research credits towards the minor; reach out to the advising contact for your major for details. Only 3 credit hours of research may be counted as an elective for this minor.
** If a Core 1 or Core 2 course is required for a student’s major degree, then it can be replaced with an additional Elective to reach the 15 credit hours needed for the minor.