3/1/2019 Abstract Submission Deadline
6/30/2019 Full Paper Submission Deadline
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ASC – Solvay Student Paper Award
Adhesive Joints
Automotive Composites
Advanced Manufacturing of Composites
Additive Manufacturing
Bio-based Composites
Buckling and Post-Buckling of Composite Structures
Certification of Composites
Composites in Extreme Environments
Effects of Defects
Environmental Effects
Fatigue of Composites
Flexible Composites
Impact Dynamic Response
Meta Composites
Model-based Design for Manufacturing
Molecular Modeling of Nanomaterials and Nanocomposites
Multifunctional Composites
Multiscale process modeling for ICME
Nanostructures Composites: Modeling and Testing
Next Generation Composites: Constituents and Microstructures
ONR Sponsored Session
Processing Science in Manufacturing
Progressive Damage and Failure Analysis of Composites
Sandwich Composites
Solvay Student Competition
Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Composites
Sensing and Health Monitoring
Testing and Material Characterization
Textile Composites