Graph Analysis

Graph Analysis

Course Instructor - Jimeng Sun


Graph analysis is a set of methods, that are commonly used in search engines, and social networks. And in fact, we’ll start by describing graph analysis examples, in search engine tasks.


PageRank is an algorithm that was originally developed by Google’s co-founder to rank webpages. Traditional way to assess the importance of webpages is based on the content. However, content-based analysis is very susceptible to spend. And Google’s co-founders, Larry and Sergey, figured out a very smart way to rank webpages based on the link structures between the pages, instead of using the content in the page. The intuition behind PageRank is if more high quality page link to you, then you’re considered higher ranked. Now let’s illustrate the effect of PageRank using this example. PageRank operates on directed network, for example, given a directed graph like this, we can run PageRank algorithms to figure out what nodes are important and what nodes are not important. 

In order to describe PageRank algorithm, we have to represent graph as a matrix. For example, this small graph will be converted to adjacency matrix to look like this. Every row represents a source and every column represents a destination. For example, for page Google, there are three outgoing links, and you can see in the adjacency matrix, we have three entries with value one. And there are two outgoing links from Wikipedia and we have two entries here corresponding to those two edges. And similarly, we can construct the rows for YouTube and Facebook that completes the adjacency matrix. And we call this matrix, A. Once we have the adjacency matrix, we can further normalize each row to make them sum to one. So every non-zero element will corresponding to a probability of jumping from the source page to the destination page. Once we have the normalized adjacency matrix A, PageRank can be described with this simple recursion. In this recursion, the q vector corresponding to all of the PageRanks, and the PageRank can be computed as the sum of these two parts, browsing and teleporting. For the browsing part, we just redistribute the old PageRank using the source destination adjacency matrix. C is the weight assigned to the browsing part, and c is a value between 0 and 1. For example, we can assign c equal to 0.85 meaning that 85% of the weight will be given to the browsing, the rest will be given to the teleporting part. The teleporting part is just randomly jump to a page. In this case, e is the all one vector and N is the number of node in the entire graph. This is mathematical definition of PageRank. Next, let’s see how we can implement this efficiently using big data systems, such as MapReduce in Hadoop.

MapReduce PageRank

In order to implement PageRank using MapReduce, we have to partition the computation into map phase and reduce phase. So, in the map phase, we’ll distribute the existing PageRank from the source to destination, following the outgoing links. Here’s a pseudocode for the map function.

Next, let’s illustrate this map function using an example over here. In this case, we’re working with the same graph. We just reassigned the ID to each page, So, when we run the map function for each page it has its current page rank, q1, q2, q3, and q4. Here’s the pseudocode for the reduce function.

The input is a key value pair and the key is a page x, and the value is a list of partial sum of the PageRank for x. The output is another key value pair, and the key is the page x and the value is the updated PageRank for x.

So, what’s happening here is the Hadoop system will perform the shuffling operation by grouping all the partial sum for each page together to get this list of partial sum of PageRanks. Then the reduce function will be applying to the list of partial sums computer updated PageRank.

Spectral Clustering

Next, let’s talk about spectral clustering. In traditional clustering algorithms, given the input data and matrix, for example this is disease by patient matrix. Every row corresponding to a patient, every column corresponding to a disease. We want to learn a function, f, that partition this matrix into P1, P2, P3. Each partition corresponding to a patient cluster. In the traditional clustering setting, this function is directly applied to this matrix. While in spectral clustering this function is more involved. So next, let’s talk about how do we construct this function in the setting of spectral clustering.

The first step of spectral clustering is to construct the graph. The input to the spectral clustering are patient vectors. The first step we want to connect all those patients together based on their similarity. In other words, we want to construct this similarity graph. So every node on this graph is a patient, and every edge indicates the similarity between two patients. Once we have this graph representation, we can store that efficiently using a matrix. Just like what we described in the pagerank, we can use the same adjacency matrix representation to store the similarity graph.

The second step of spectral clustering is to find the top k eigen value of this graph. For example, here w represent the top k eigenvectors, and the middle matrix is the diagonal matrix with eigenvalue on the diagonal.

In the third step, we want to group those patients into k groups using the eigenvectors. This is the high-level algorithm for spectral clustering. It depends on how you implement each steps,  there are many different variations of spectral clustering. Next let’s look at some of the variations.

Similarity Graph Construction

The first thing is, how do we construct the similarity graph? On high level, we want to view the similarity graph, based on the local relationship between patients. So similar patient will have a stronger relationship. There are several common ways for building such graph. We can base on epsilon neighborhood. We can use k-nearest neighbors. We can also fully connect the graph, but assign a different weight to the address. Next, let’s look at them in more details.

E-Neighborhood Graph

Let’s start with Epsilon Neighborhood Graph. Let’s illustrate the idea using this example. Every node here (see image) indicate a patient, and in this example, we have ten patients. For Epsilon Neighborhood Graph, what we are going to do here is, we’ll connect patients if they are within epsilon distance to each other. For example, these two patients are within epsilon distance, so an edge formed between them. But the distance between these two patients is greater than epsilon, so there’s no edge between them. In this case, the epsilon is indicated by this length.

K-Nearest Neighbor Graph

Another way to compute similarity graph is based on K-nearest Neighbor Search. For example, we have these 10 patients over here. We want to perform K-nearest neighbor search from each patient and the resulting graph is this directed graph indicate the two nearest neighbors from each node. For example, the two nearest neighbors of this patient are this one and this one. So, one benefit of this k-nearest neighbor graph is the graph can be very sparse when the k is small, and there are several different variations of such graph. For example, we can have the edge to be binary, just zero and one, or we can actually assign different ways based on the distance between those two neighbors.

Fully Connected Graph

Another way to construct the similarity graph is to just use the fully connected graph, but parameterize the edges differently, based on similarity. For example, for these ten patients, we can connect everybody to everybody, have this fully connected graph. Then the edge wave will be determined by this Gaussian kernel or this Radial based function. For example, the edge wave, Wij between those two patients,  can be computed using this formula, which indicate the Gaussian kernel.

Spectral Clustering Algorithm

So far, we explained the high-level ideas of spectral clustering. Depending on how you implement each step, there are many different variations. If you want to learn more about different variation of spectral clustering, please refer to this tutorial, and to learn about all those different variations. For example, we can have this very simple un-normalized spectral clustering, involving building the graph compute eigenvectors, then perform k-mean clusters  on those eigenvectors. This is probably the simplest spectral clustering algorithms out there. Then there are different enhancements on the original algorithms, by normalizing the graph differently. For example, this normalized spectral clustering published in 2000 and another different normalized spectral clustering published in 2002. Spectral clustering performs really well in practice even when the data are high dimensional or noisy. In fact, there are very good theoretical foundation behind spectral clustering. If you are interested in learning more, you can refer to this paper. In that paper, they actually illustrate theoretically why spectral clustering works. Intuitively speaking, if the data are not really clusterable in the original space, by performing the spectral clustering, you can transform the original data into the space where the clusters are well defined. So, for example here, the color indicates different clusters, in the original space, it’s very difficult to carve out these three clusters. But when you perform spectral clustering, in the eigenspace you can find all those three clusters are well separated.


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