Cybersecurity of Drones (every spring semester since 2023)
The course covers introductory topics in the security and privacy of cyber-physical systems especially unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones. The goal is to expose students to fundamental security primitives specific to drones and to apply them to a broad range of current and future cyber-physical security challenges. Students will work with various hands-on tools and fundamental techniques used by hackers to compromise controllers and computing systems or otherwise interfere with normal cyber-physical operations such as a drone flight. Students will also use tools that are unique to interacting with cyber-physical systems. (course syllabus)
Critical Infrastructure Security (every fall semester since 2023)
This course covers fundamental topics on the resilience of critical infrastructure against disruptions caused by malicious actors. Students will gain an understanding of the different types of critical infrastructure, such as civil aviation, banking and finance, electric power, oil and gas, water and sewage, and communications. Students will learn to assess the weaknesses in critical infrastructure and investigate various forms of resilience strategies.
Intro to Cyber-Physical Systems Security (every semester since Spring 2023, online)
The course covers introductory topics in cyber-physical systems security, with the focus on one instance of cyber-physical systems – Industrial Control Systems (ICSs). Students will be exposed to fundamental security primitives specific to cyber-physical systems and apply them to a broad range of current and future security challenges.
Courses Before Georgia Tech
- Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering (Spring 2015-21)
- Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems (Fall 2019)
- Programming Methodology I (Fall 2020-21)
- Programming Methodology I (Spring 2016)
- Information Assurance and Computer Security (Fall 2015)
- Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems (Fall 2014)
- System Security and Privacy (Spring 2014)
- Software Testing and Verification (Fall 2013)
- Software Engineering (Spring 2013)
- Security and Privacy in Complex Systems (Fall 2012)
- Software Testing and Verification (Spring 2012)
- Software Engineering (Fall 2011)