Our Research Program
CDFI research addresses knowledge gaps that prevent achievement of the digital factory vision in large and small manufacturing companies today. To enable the transformative capabilities needed for future manufacturing, CDFI research is focused on four thrust areas.

Dynamic and self-aware manufacturing processes
Integrated sensors and accompanying adaptive, cloud-based optimization and control systems for machining processes and robotics.

AI-Enabled Human-in-the-Loop
Human-machine cooperation in a cyber-physical system environment using artificial intelligence and machine learning for applications such as process synchronization and cobots.

Self-organization and control
of production systems
Autonomy and reconfigurability within a distributed environment that allows local intelligence to the edge, supported by 5G networking for real-time control of the factory.

Protocols, interoperability,
and cybersecurity
Communication platforms—from time sensitive networks and wireless connectivity to the secure transfer of data for a given manufacturing process or entire factory environment.