The Afro-Latinx Experience Panel


Shows silhouettes of different types of family groups walking on a path from past to future.

The Afro-Latinx Experience Panel
Wednesday, September 29
Noon – 1 p.m.

Afro-Latinx members of our community will share their personal experiences, issues, and actions through compelling and inspiring conversations based on themes important to our community at the Afro-Latinx Experience Panel.

Viewers will learn about the panelists’ experiences growing up in their communities as Afro-Latinx. The conversation will focus on the Afro-Latinx perspective on racial injustice, racism, and colorism, as well as proactive approaches to identify solutions. Identities, challenges, and commonalities between the Hispanic/Latino and African-American cultures will be discussed.

Co-hosted by the Office of Hispanic Initiatives, the Hispanics Or Latinos and Allies (HOLA) Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Georgia Tech, and Georgia Tech Research Institute’s (GTRI) IDENTIFY@GTRI ERG

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