Suicide Prevention Week Events

Join the Counseling Center and our partners for a week of events to increase awareness around suicide prevention, receive tips for prevention, and create connections.

Saturday, September 4

GT vs. Northern Illinois Football Game
7:30 PM

The Counseling Center will have a table present at the game to distribute information regarding Tech Ends Suicide and other programs.

Tuesday, September 7

Self-Care & Resilience: Buzzing Our Way Back to Campus as We Emerge from a Pandemic (Sponsored by GRIOT ERG-for staff and faculty)
11 AM-12pm
Please join GTCC, GRIOT, and Health Initiatives as we provide a workshop that addresses the transition to campus: CopingSelfCare, & Resilience: Buzzing Our Way Back to Campus as we Emerge From a Pandemic

The workshop will focus on normalizing different emotional reactions, ways to communicate with others what your comfort level is with different activities, and how to live with the discomfort of prolonged uncertainty during the Covid-19 pandemic and after.All GT employees are welcome to register to attend here.

You must register to get the meeting link. If you have any questions, contact Dr. Carla Moore

Start the Conversation 101: A Suicide Prevention Presentation

11 AM – 12 PM 
Many college students have thoughts of suicide at some point in their life and many more have struggle with mental health concerns. Many people often want to give help and support to these individuals, but often feel unsure and uneasy about what to do. There is a great deal of taboo surrounding suicide, asking for help, and knowing what to say. However, it only takes a moment to break these barriers and to receive and offer help. Come learn how to seize the awkward and Start the Conversation! To register to attend, please go to:

QPR Training
5 – 7 PM

QPR stands for Question, Persuade and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to attend these trainings to learn about the warning signs of suicide and how to help a person in distress. Suicide is preventable and we all can play a role in offering help and support. To register to attend, please go to:

Wednesday, September 8

Silence the Shame
4 – 6 PM
Clough 152

Join us in a conversation with Shanti Das, former Sony Music Executive and Friends for a Suicide Prevention Week well-being event. The event will include facilitated discussion with Shanti Das, GT Alumni, and mental health clinicians to address ways to manage our mental health, engage in wellness and healthy coping, and connect with our community and resources. This event is a GT community wellness event for underrepresented students, faculty, and staff and is sponsored by GT Counseling Center, OMED, Health Initiatives, CTL, and the Resilience and GRIOT Employee Resource Groups (ERG).

Thursday, September 9

QPR Training
11 AM – 1 PM
180 Mtg Room Dalney

Self-Care & Resilience: Buzzing Our Way Back to Campus as We Emerge from a Pandemic (Sponsored by Georgia Tech Couseling Center-for students)
11 AM-12pm
Please join GTCC, GRIOT, and Health Initiatives as we provide a workshop that addresses the transition to campus: CopingSelfCare, & Resilience: Buzzing Our Way Back to Campus as we Emerge From a Pandemic

The workshop will focus on normalizing different emotional reactions, ways to communicate with others what your comfort level is with different activities, and how to live with the discomfort of prolonged uncertainty during the Covid-19 pandemic and after.All GT employees are welcome to register to attend here.

You must register to get the meeting link. If you have any questions, contact Dr. Carla Moore

Wellness Picnic 
Tech Green

Grab your friends and come join GT AASA and the Counseling Center for a welcome back picnic including Asian food, a therapeutic drum circle, raffles, and a whole lot of fun!


Black Cultural Center at Georgia Tech: Planning Sessions Invitation

Black Cultural Center at Georgia Tech

Dear Georgia Tech Alumni, Students, Faculty, and Staff Members:

My name is Archie Ervin, vice president for Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Georgia Tech.

On behalf of my colleague Dene Sheheane, president of the Georgia Tech Alumni Association, we would like to invite you to take part in the initial planning processes for establishing a Black Cultural Center at Georgia Tech.

As part of its 2030 Strategic Plan and vision, the Institute has pledged to create further opportunities for intercultural engagement and learning. The establishment of a Black Cultural Center is just one way we are expanding this reach.

Over the summer, Dene and I have done some preliminary work with the Georgia Tech Black Alumni Organization and the Institute’s Cultural Centers Executive Committee to launch the initial steps of the planning process.

We would appreciate your participation for parts of a two-day planning session, scheduled September 23 and 24, 2021 to welcome your input, advice, and vision for the Center. It is critical that we have the voices of all our community members heard.

During this two-day kick-off planning period, we will be joined by consultants from the Black Culture Center at Purdue University and the Association for Black Culture in Higher Education to help us facilitate the planning process that will include: visioning and brainstorming around the Center’s mission; program design; characteristics desired for the Black Cultural Center director’s position; and other immediate needs for the Center.

At the following link, you will find in-person and virtual opportunities for participation: As your schedule permits, we ask that you please register where you can to lend your voice and participation.

For further information or questions about public meeting session opportunities, reservations, please contact Tia Jewell, Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program and portfolio manager, at

As an Institute that thrives on diversity where all voices are heard, we are also proud to announce that we will also establish a Multicultural Center on our campus as well. That process will begin later this fall, and we would like to have as many of you involved in that planning process, too. (More information to come on the Multicultural Center later.)

Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can provide further information on the September Black Cultural Center planning opportunities. We thank you in advance for your participation with this exciting and important project.


Archie W. Ervin, Ph.D.
Vice President, Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Dene Sheheane
President, Georgia Tech Alumni Association

Georgia Institute of Technology
Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
237 Uncle Heinie Way
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0740

Welcome to the CEE-CDI!

Welcome to the site for the Civil and Environmental Engineering Committee on Diversity and Inclusion.  On these pages, we will share cultural celebration days, GT campus events, DEI resources and much more.

We are just getting started and this site will be developed with much more information.  Thank you for joining us on our new journey to make CEE and Georgia Tech a better place for all of us.

YOU are welcome here.