DEI in CEE: Transportation As a Means to Deepen or Bridge Divides

Jacob Tzegaegbe
Jacob Tzegaegbe Director of Expansion, Via Transportation

Thank you for attending yesterday’s eye-opening seminar by CEE alum Jacob Tzegaegbe.

You can view the abstract for Jacob’s seminar, Transportation As a Means to Deepen or Bridge Divides here: Seminar Announcement – DEI in CEE – Jacob

If you were attend this week, the recording is available here. The discussions that follow the seminar are not recorded in order to protect the privacy of our attendees.

Learn more about the DEI in CEE Seminar Series here.

Learn more about Jacob Tzagaegbe:

Spring 2013 Graduate Reflection Speech

Fireside chat with Jacob and Dr. Amekudzi-Kennedy-40 Under 40

100 Black Men of Atlanta Discussion


USRA Webinar on DEI by Dr. Alicia Knoedler, NSF Office of Integrative Activities

You are invited to attend a webinar given by the USRA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee:

Friday, January 28, 2022, at 2 PM EST

Featuring Alicia J. Knoedler, PhD

Office Head, Office of Integrative Activities

National Science Foundation

Bold Leadership Actions in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access

The Nation’s research enterprise is comprised of a broad array of perspectives and experiences, leveraging a multitude of disciplines providing an ever-increasing number of ideas and innovations. Tremendous STEM engagement and participation opportunities exist across institutions of higher education, industry, non-profit organizations, K-12, state and local organizations and communities. The National Science Foundation has invested in broadening participation in STEM, particularly for those individuals and organizations/institutions underrepresented and underserved in STEM. In this presentation and discussion, Dr. Alicia Knoedler, the Office Head for the Office of Integrative Studies at NSF will provide an overview of NSF’s strategy and investments in broadening participation/diversity, equity, inclusion and access (DEIA). In particular, Dr. Knoedler will emphasize a recent call for “Bold Leadership Actions” related to broadening participation of underrepresented groups in STEM and share insights related to the evolution and expansion of broadening participation/DEIA at NSF. 

The webinar will be available on Microsoft Teams:

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 347-566-2759,,501808972#   United States, New York City

Phone Conference ID: 501 808 972#

This seminar is open to USRA employees and those in the USRA member university community who might be interested.

For more on USRA’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative, see

Dr. Knoedler’s brief biography:

Dr. Alicia J. Knoedler is the Head of the Office of Integrative Activities (OIA) at the National Science Foundation (NSF). She joined the NSF in 2021 after serving as the Vice President for Research and Innovation at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Dr. Knoedler’s career has focused on cultivating and expanding research and innovation through an emphasis on collaborative, interdisciplinary work aligned with institutional strengths and interests as well as the development and cultivation of strong and diverse research infrastructure and competitive capacity.

In leadership and service to the national research enterprise, Dr. Knoedler has held leadership positions within the National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP), served as Vice-Chair of NSF’s Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering (CEOSE), was a member of NSF’s Business and Operations Advisory Committee, and developed professional development programs for senior research leaders within APLU’s Council on Research. She is also the former Co-PI of Oklahoma’s EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 1 award from NSF.

Dr. Knoedler received her MS and PhD from Purdue University in cognitive psychology and her BA in psychology from Trinity University. The depth and breadth of her experience in both instruction and training (psychology, quantitative research methodology, statistics, grant writing, and research development) and institutional capacity building were shaped through various educational, research and administrative contributions at Purdue University, San Jose State University, University of California Santa Cruz, Indiana University, University of Notre Dame, Penn State University, and the University of Oklahoma, Miami University, and Exaptive, Inc.

DEI in CEE — Jacob Tzegaegbe, Via Transportation (TOMORROW 1/26/22 @ 5:00pm on BlueJeans)

Seminar Announcement – DEI in CEE – Jacob Tzegaegbe

Jacob Tzegaegbe

Transportation as a means to deepen or bridge divides

Jacob Tzegaegbe Director of Expansion Via Transportation 

January 26 – 5:00pm EST


The built environment does not exist by chance, nor is it impartial. Today’s streets are a result of yesterday’s policy, deliberate decision making, and/or deliberate inaction. Thus, transportation is as much a tool to connect as it is to divide people from communities, amenities, and opportunities. In this talk, we’ll look at the impact of transportation over time and how it has been used (purposefully or with good intentions) to divide, displace, and discriminate. You may even learn that to see evidence of this type of division you may have to look no further than your nearest street sign.

If These Ivory Tower Walls Could Talk: Utilizing Education Ph.D. Student Narratives to Understand Socialization, Inclusion, and Equity in Graduate Programs

Kerry Wallaert

 If These Ivory Tower Walls Could Talk: Utilizing Education Ph.D. Student Narratives to Understand Socialization, Inclusion, and Equity in Graduate Programs.

 Kerry Wallaert


Housing & Student Life

 LaGrange College

 Monday, January 24, 2022

3:00 p.m. EST – Zoom event

*see extra details below


The Ph.D. is the pinnacle of education, producing scholars who impact a discipline, the institution, and society. Expectations of scholars include demonstrating intellectual mastery in the field, conducting research, and creating new or expanding current knowledge.  It is within the context of doctoral education socialization, where attitudes and values of the professoriate are firmly shaped. Faculty and administrators, considered the foundational socialization agents, facilitate teaching and learning of Ph.D. students into the culture of education programs and academia. The Ph.D. experience is wrought with challenges and successes within and beyond the ivory tower, particularly as doctoral students negotiate complex identities. 

 This talk will cover the findings of a recent study on doctoral student experiences, highlighting the importance of Ph.D. student narratives in understanding socialization, inclusion, and equity in graduate programs. 


Kerry A. Wallaert is currently the Director of Housing and Student Life at LaGrange College. Her research centers on the experiences of students in postsecondary education, including doctoral student experiences, the scholarship of teaching and learning, experiential learning, and hip-hop culture. Kerry has a passion for connecting her research to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Prior to joining LaGrange College, Kerry served as the Educational Outreach Manager in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Kerry has seventeen years of experience working with collegiate students in housing and residence life, leadership and service learning, scholarships, recruitment and retention, and crisis management. She received the Ph.D. in Educational Policy Studies from Georgia State University in 2021. 

  Mobile Device
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LGBTQIA Allyship

LGBTQIA Allyship

  • Level Up Level 2: An Advanced Ally Course
    • This interactive course is designed to build on the knowledge and skills developed in Safe Space by digging deeper into topics and concepts related to LGBTQIA histories, identities, and communities. Sessions include Intersex 101, Non-Monosexuality, Legislative Advocacy, Advanced Allyship II, and a session about Queer Atlanta. These virtual sessions will run bi-weekly on Thursdays from 9:00am-10:30am. Session dates are Feb 3, Feb 17, March 3, Feb 17, and March 31. Learn more or enroll today!
  • Safe Space
    • This 4-hour training will provide participants with a better understanding of LGBTQIA-inclusive terminology, providing support to those questioning a gender/sexuality, how to advocate for LGBTQIA inclusion, Georgia Tech policy and practice, and an overview of the resources available on and off campus for LGBTQIA students, faculty, and staff.
    • Virtual and in-person trainings are available. Virtual trainings will be held on Thursday, Feb 10th from 12:30-4:30pm and Wednesday, April 6th from 1:00-3:00pm AND Friday, April 8th from 1:00-3:00pm. Note that the April training is a 2-part training, participants must attend both days to finish the entire training. An in-person session will be offered on Tuesday, March 22nd from 8:30-12:30pm. You can learn more and register for any of these sessions on the Safe Space website.
  • Trans 101
    • Trans 101 is the LGBTQIA Resource Center’s introductory education program designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to support transgender, nonbinary, and gender questioning individuals at Georgia Tech. This 2.5-hour session will cover trans-inclusive language and practices, challenges facing trans people, and resources for supporting trans communities on campus. Trainings are open to students, faculty, and staff. Learn more and enroll on the Trans 101 website.
    • An in-person session will be offered on Tuesday, Feb 22nd from 2:00-4:30pm and a virtual session will be offered on Wednesday, April 20th from 9:30-12:00pm.

Please share this educational information with any interested faculty and staff. If you have any questions about these programs, LGBTQIA allyship, or inclusive practices at Tech please email Tegra Myanna at

Latinos/Hispanics in STEM: A Career Path Series

You’re Invited!

We are thrilled to welcome Prof. Andrés J. García, Ph.D., F.B.S.E., Executive Director of the Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience and Regents’ Professor at Georgia Tech as our first speaker in this year’s Latinos/Hispanics in STEM: A Career Path Series! This event will be hosted virtually on Feb. 1st from 4 to 5 PM.

Learn more and get registered – see you there!

Latinos/Hispanics in STEM


Register Here

This event is presented by LOGRAS, the GoSTEM Program,and the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

DEI in CEE Inaugural Seminar

Dr. Michael Falk photo
Dr. Michael Falk, Johns Hopkins University

Thank you for joining us yesterday for a thought-provoking seminar with Dr. Michael Falk, Professor at Johns Hopkins University,  followed by a lively discussion.

You can view the abstract for Dr. Falk’s seminar, “The Climate for LGBTQ students, academics and professionals in STEM: Lessons From a Study of the Physics Community” here:  Seminar Announcement – DEI in CEE – Michael Falk

If you were attend this week, the recording is available here. The discussions that follow the seminar are not recorded in order to protect the privacy of our attendees.

Learn more about the DEI in CEE Seminar Series here.

Martin Luther King Jr. Student Celebration TOMORROW Jan. 20 at 7PM (Streamed Event

MLK Talk January 20th.

The MLK Student Celebration has not been cancelled, but it will be streamed. Dean Stephanie Ray of the Office of Student Diversity Programs invites you to tune-in and share with your students and colleagues.

 Join us for the 12th Annual MLK Student Celebration on Thursday, January 20th at 7 PM. Listen to socially aware and actively engaged student speakers addressing the theme, “It Starts With Me: Shifting Priorities to Create the Beloved Community. The event also features students and student organizations paying tribute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King through dance, song, spoken word, and video production. The Student Celebration is hosted by Mr. & Ms. GT, and will be streamed at


CEE 4801: DEI in CEE Course

Dear CEE community,

Happy new year! May 2022 bring you everything that you wish for and beyond.

As the Spring semester is approaching, I would like to bring your attention to a new seminar-based course entitled “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Civil and Environmental Engineering,” which will be offered in Spring 2022. The course is open to undergraduate students, but interested graduate students are invited to sign up for a special problem (CEE 8900) with me. We will alternate talks with roundtables. The talks will be remote and open to the whole CEE community. The roundtables between the talks will be reserved to students enrolled in the class. We will be meeting as a cohort every Wednesday 5pm-6pm. The syllabus is attached, and here is the schedule of the talks:

01/19: “LGBTQ+ (in)visibility in engineering”, Dr. Michael Falk, Johns Hopkins University

01/26: “Transportation: a means to enhance or alleviate discrimination”, Jacob Tzegaegbe, Expansion at Via

02/09: “How environmental justice changed after the Flint catastrophe”, Dr. Lindsey Butler, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

02/23: “Gender equity in energy access”, Dr. Paulina Jaramillo, Carnegie Mellon University

03/09: “Accessibility to urban infrastructure for physically disabled persons”, Maria Sotnikova, Atlanta Regional Commission

03/30: “Assessing and improving climate on engineering campuses: UCLA case study”, Dr. Scott Brandenberg, University of California in Los Angeles

04/13: “Diversity and inclusion in civil and environmental consulting”, Bing Zhang, Kimley – Horn

The scope of the course and a detailed syllabus for the writing assignments will be discussed during the first lecture (on 01/12). Please email me if you have any question. Very much looking forward to seeing you in the DEI in CEE forum!

 Best regards,

Chloé Arson, Ph.D., M.ASCE   (she/her/hers)
Georgia Institute of Technology
Associate Professor, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Tel: (+1) 404-385-0143