Spring 2022 Tapping Circles

SPRING 2022 Stress Bust Tapping Circle Schedulebalance

Here at GT, Tapping opportunities are offered to provide a rather quick, easy and safe way for try this stress management tool.  You may utilize this as a place to check out Tapping, and/or as a casual ongoing accountability/support group.  Led by qualified EFT Tapping practitioners, the 30 min Tapping Circles offer a safe space for participants to be guided with Tapping and other calming exercises.  No knowledge or words are needed.   Just your willingness to Tap along, with gentle curiosity and open-mindedness.  Please feel free to share these Tapping Circles with your colleagues, and team.  The better managed stress, the better our lives, the better we function in our work, the better we can serve and support the students, and better the world –

For those outside of GT: please use this link to register for any upcoming Tapping Circles.
-> Registration for the extended community.

GT Community members: please sign up below (with the optional GT benefits, to join internal mailing list, Polyvagal Exploration TEAM, etc.)

1. First Thursdays AM – 8:45~9:15am EST
Facilitators: Georgia Barnwell (Canada) or Julie Hawley (CA)
Registration for GT Community | GT Event Listing

2. Second Fridays PM – 3:00~3:30pm EST
Facilitators: Andrea Lewis (NY) &/or Mitsuko Ito (GT)
Registration for GT Community | GT Event Listing

3. Third Tuesdays PM – 3:00~3:25pm EST 
Facilitators: Mitsuko Ito (GT)
Registration for GT Community | GT Event Listing

4. Fourth Mondays AM – 8:45~9:15am EST
Facilitators: Andrea Lewis (NY) &/or Terry Hernon (CT)
Registration for GT Community |  GT Event Listing


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