Abraham Atte
PhD Student
Abraham Atte is a PhD student in the Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech. He received a B.S. from the University of Kansas in 2020 and an M.S. from Georgia Tech in 2022, both in Aerospace Engineering. His research focuses on multirotor aerodynamic interactions.
In his free time, he enjoys working out, watching movies, experiencing the outdoors, and hanging out with friends.
Abraham is working on the experimental investigation of multirotor aerodynamic interactions in different flight conditions. Specifically, he is examining the effects of these interactions on the performance metrics of the individual rotors and of the overall vehicle using Georgia Tech’s John J. Harper Wind Tunnel. Some of the parameters of interest include the configuration of the rotors (including dual and quad rotors), spacing between rotors, flight in confined spaces (including ground, wall, and ceiling effects), and flight in urban and unsteady environments.
Herz, S., Atte, A., Seth, D., Rauleder, J., and McCrink, M., “Effects of Rotor–Rotor and Rotor–Body Interactions on Quadrotor Vehicle Performance for Multiple Flight Configurations,” Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024, 109873, ISSN 1270-9638, DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2024.109873
Atte, A., and Rauleder, J., “Investigation of Rotor Vertical Offset Effects on Quadrotor Performance,” Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 7-9 2024.
Carter, D., Atte, A., and Rauleder, J., “Near Boundary Multirotor Interactional Aerodynamics,” AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida, January 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-1723
Herz, S., Atte, A., Seth, D., Rauleder, J., and McCrink, M., “Impact of Rotor-Rotor and Rotor-Body Aerodynamic Interactions on Quadrotor Vehicle Performance,” Vertical Flight Society, Forum 79, West Palm Beach, FL, May 16-18, 2023. DOI: 10.4050/F-0079-2023-18180
Atte, A., Wylie, D., and Rauleder, J., “Experimental Investigation of Multirotor Aerodynamic Interactions,” Vertical Flight Society, Forum 78, Fort Worth, TX, May 10-12, 2022. DOI: 10.4050/F-0078-2022-17467
Favorite Cereal
Coco Pops