Kenjiro Lay

Headshot of Kenjiro Lay

Kenjiro Lay

PhD Student


Kenjiro Lay is an aerospace engineering PhD student at Georgia Tech. Previously, he received his BS (2021) and MS (2023) in aerospace engineering from Penn State. His career aspiration is to be an aeroelastician.

Ken is a Jakarta native. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, doing Muay Thai and going to music festivals.


Lay, K., Li, L., and Okutsu, M., “High altitude balloon testing of Arduino and environmental sensors for CubeSat prototype,” HardwareX, Vol. 12, E00329, October 1, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2022.e00329

Li, L., Lay, K., and Okutsu, M., “Preliminary Thermal Validation Tests for Education-Class CubeSats and Weather-Balloon Payloads,” Journal of Small Satellites, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021, pp 983–993.

Favorite Cereal

Honey Stars