Full texts of publications can be found on ResearchGate.

Kurban, E., Toxopeus, S., and Rauleder, J., “Assessment of Lattice-Boltzmann velocity set and floating-point precision for ship airwake analysis compared to RANS–LES and experiment,” Ocean Engineering, Vol. 326, 2025, 120788, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2025.120788
Ashok, S.G., and Rauleder, J., “Real-Time Coupled Ship–Rotorcraft Interactional Simulations Using GPU-Accelerated Lattice-Boltzmann Method,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2025, DOI: 10.4050/JAHS.70.022005
Hosseini, B., Hofmann, R., Holzapfel, F., and Rauleder, J., “Optimal Input Design for Aircraft Parameter Estimation – Flight Test Results,” AIAA 2025-2173. AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum. January 2025 DOI: 10.2514/6.2025-2173
Lee, H., Seshadri, P., and Rauleder, J. “Finite Wing Pressure and Lift Coefficient Prediction Using Bayesian Inference on Pressure Data,” AIAA 2025-0493. AIAA SCITECH 2025 Forum. January 2025. DOI: 10.2514/6.2025-0493
Regan, B., Chianello, C., Yan, S., and Rauleder, J., “Wind Tunnel Experiments on Wing Integrated Electric Ducted Fan Systems With Varying Integration Locations,” AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, FL, January 6-10, 2025. DOI: 10.2514/6.2025-0665
Herz, S., Atte, A., Seth, D., Rauleder, J., and McCrink, M., “Effects of Rotor–Rotor and Rotor–Body Interactions on Quadrotor Vehicle Performance for Multiple Flight Configurations,” Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024, 109873, ISSN 1270-9638, DOI: 10.1016/j.ast.2024.109873
Ko, J., German, B. J., and Rauleder, J., “Noise assessment of multirotor configurations during landing procedures,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, December 2024; 156 (6): 3741–3756. DOI: 10.1121/10.0034421
Chen, W.H., and Rauleder, J., “Unsteady Loads of a Scaled Rotor on and near the Landing Deck of the NATO Generic Destroyer with Concurrent Stereo PIV and Surface Pressure Measurements,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 69, No. 4, 2024, DOI: 10.4050/JAHS.68.042008
Hosseini, B., Rhein, J., Holzapfel, F., Grebing, B., and Rauleder, J. “Conversion of a Coaxial Rotorcraft to a UAV—Lessons Learned,” Aerospace, Vol. 11, Article 681, 2024. DOI: 10.3390/aerospace11080681
Ashok, S.G., and Rauleder, J., “Mid-Fidelity NATO Generic Destroyer Static and Moving-Ship Airwake Simulations Using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method Compared with Experimental Data,” Ocean Engineering, Vol. 298, 2024, 117264, ISSN 0029-8018, DOI: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117264
Lee, H., Seshadri, P., and Rauleder. J. “Large Airfoil Models,” arXiv, 2024. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2410.08392
Srivathsan, S., Rauleder, J., “Wind Tunnel Measurements on the Effect of Propeller Tilt on Propeller–Wing Interactional Aerodynamics”, Aviation and Ascend Forum, AIAA, Las Vegas, United States of America, July 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-4146
Wong, Z. F. G., Guo, N., Neall, S., Jin, Z., Graber, L., and Rauleder, J. “CFD simulation and design of a new supercritical CO2 circuit breaker contact and nozzle system” In 2024 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2024 DOI: 10.1109/EIC58847.2024.10579111
Kurban, E., Toxopeus, S. L., Ashok, S., and Rauleder, J., “Evaluation of Boundary Conditions for Realistic Ship Airwakes Using a GPU-Accelerated Lattice-Boltzmann Solver Compared to High-Fidelity RANS–LES and Experiments,” 35th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Nantes, France, July 2024.
Ashok, S.G., and Rauleder, J., “Towards Real-Time Coupled Ship–Rotorcraft Interactional Simulations using GPU-Accelerated Lattice-Boltzmann Method,” Vertical Flight Society Forum 80, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 7–9, 2024. DOI: 10.4050/F-0080-2024-1346
Atte, A., and Rauleder, J., “Investigation of Rotor Vertical Offset Effects on Quadrotor Performance,” Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 7-9 2024. DOI: 10.4050/F-0080-2024-1388
Chen, W.H., and Rauleder, J., “Unsteady Loads of a Scaled Rotor on and near the Landing Deck of the NATO Generic Destroyer with Concurrent Stereo PIV and Surface Pressure Measurements,” Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 7-9 2024. DOI: 10.4050/F-0080-2024-1063
Srivathsan, S., Sridhar, P., Smith, M., and Rauleder, J., “Experimental and Computational Investigations of Propeller-Wing Interactions for Varying Propeller Tilt Angles,” Vertical Flight Society 80th Annual Forum, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 7-9 2024. DOI: 10.4050/F-0080-2024-1337
Ashok, S.G., Jude, D., and Rauleder, J., “Comparison of Navier–Stokes and Lattice-Boltzmann Method CFD Approaches for Ship–Rotor Interactional Aerodynamics Using Cartesian GPU Solvers,” Transformative Vertical Flight 6th Decennial Aeromechanics Specialists’ Conference, Santa Clara, CA, February 2024
Ashok, S.G., Hosseini, S., and Rauleder, J., “Real-Time Dynamic Inflow Model for a Coaxial Helicopter Configuration Using the Lattice–Boltzmann Method,” AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida, January 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-1718
Carter, D., Atte, A., and Rauleder, J., “Near Boundary Multirotor Interactional Aerodynamics,” AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida, January 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-1723
Hosseini, S., Mbikay, Z., Bachfischer, M., Holzapfel, F., and Rauleder, J., “Simulation, Flight Dynamics, and Control Design for a Coaxial Rotorcraft,” AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida, January 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-1717
Ko, J., German, B., and Rauleder, J., “Wind Effects on Urban Air Mobility Noise During Landing Procedures,” AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida, January 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-2300
Safieh, D., Shah, M., Yan, S., and Rauleder, J., “Aero-Propulsive Coupling on Wing Integrated Electric Ducted Fan System,” AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, Florida, January 2024, DOI: 10.2514/6.2024-1726
Komp, D., Hajek, M., Yavrucuk, I., and Rauleder, J., “Rotor Power Savings and Pitch-Link Load Reductions with Spanwise-Varying Active Camber Morphing,” AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 2023, DOI: 10.2514/1.C037505
Platzer, S., Hajek, M., Mortimer, P., Sirohi, J., and Rauleder, J., “Investigation of the Flow Fields of Coaxial Co-Rotating and Counter-Rotating Rotors in Hover Using Measurements and Simulations,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 2023, DOI: 10.4050/JAHS.68.042008
Mortimer, P., Sirohi, J., Platzer, S., Rauleder, J., “Phase-Resolved Flowfield Measurements of a Coaxial Counter-Rotating Rotor in Hover,” Journal of Aircraft, 2023, DOI: 10.2514/1.C037115
Lee, H., Mortimer, P., Seshadri, P., Sirohi J., and Rauleder, J., “Machine Learning Based Approaches for Estimating Airloads in Hover,” 49th European Rotorcraft Forum Proceedings, Bückeburg, Germany, September 2023.
Oates, B., Su ,P., Hrynuk, J., Smith, S., and Rauleder, J., “Evaluation of a Range of Modeling Approaches For UAV Unsteady Aerodynamics,” 49th European Rotorcraft Forum Proceedings, Bückeburg, Germany, Sept 2023.
Safieh, D. and Rauleder, J., “Effects of Aero-Propulsive Coupling on High Solidity Electric Ducted Fan Performance for Various Wing Integrations,” 49th European Rotorcraft Forum Proceedings, Bückeburg, Germany, September 2023.
Carter. D., and Rauleder, J., “Multirotor Interactional Aerodynamics with Boundary Effects,” Aviation Forum, AIAA, San Diego, California, June 2023, DOI: 10.2514/6.2023-3237
Ko, J., German, B., and Rauleder, J., “Community Noise Impact of Multirotor Configurations During Landing Procedures, Aviation Forum, AIAA, San Diego, California, June 2023, DOI: 10.2514/6.2023-3362
Srivathsan, S., and Rauleder, J., “Wind Tunnel Measurements of Propeller—Wing Interactional Aerodynamics” Aviation Forum, AIAA, San Diego, California, June 2023, DOI: 10.2514/6.2023-3542
Ashok, S.G., and Rauleder, J., “NATO Generic Destroyer Moving-Ship Airwake Validation and Rotor-Ship Dynamic Interface Computations using Immersed Boundary Lattice-Boltzmann Method,” Vertical Flight Society, Forum 79, West Palm Beach, FL, May 16-18, 2023. DOI: 10.4050/F-0079-2023-1812
Herz, S., Atte, A., Seth, D., Rauleder, J., and McCrink, M., “Impact of Rotor-Rotor and Rotor-Body Aerodynamic Interactions on Quadrotor Vehicle Performance,” Vertical Flight Society, Forum 79, West Palm Beach, FL, May 16-18, 2023. DOI: 10.4050/F-00
Oates, B., Kurban, E., Smith, M.J., and Rauleder, J., “Evaluation of High- and Mid-Fidelity Computational Fluid Dynamics for Complex Ship Airwake Analysis with New Experimental Data,” Vertical Flight Society’s 79th Annual Forum & Technology Display, West Palm Beach, FL, May, 2023. DOI: 10.4050/F-0079-2023-17973
Srivathsan, S. and Rauleder, J., “Experimental Wind Tunnel Investigation on Propeller–Wing Interactional Aerodynamics,” AIAA SciTech Forum, National Harbor, Maryland, January 2023, DOI: 10.2514/6.2023-1752
Kurban, E., Ashok, S.G., and Rauleder, J., “Computationally Efficient Ship Airwake Simulations for Rotorcraft Shipboard Operations Using a GPU-Accelerated Lattice-Boltzmann Solver,” 48th European Rotorcraft Forum Proceedings, Winterthur, Switzerland, Sept 2022.
Fernandez, I., Horvat, B., and Rauleder, J., “Evaluation of boundary condition treatments for complex geometries in Lattice-Boltzmann flow simulations,” AIAA 2022-3675. AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. June 2022. DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3675
Ashok, S.G., and Rauleder, J., “Investigation of Interpolation Methodologies for Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Lattice-Boltzmann Formulations with Applications to Real-Time Rotorcraft Flight Simulations,” AIAA 2022-3750. AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum. June 2022. DOI: 10.2514/6.2022-3750
Atte, A., Wylie, D., and Rauleder, J., “Experimental Investigation of Multirotor Aerodynamic Interactions”: Vertical Flight Society, Forum 78, Fort Worth, TX, May 10-12, 2022. DOI: 10.4050/F-0078-2022-17467