Dr. Lakshmi Prasad Dasi is an established leader and inventor in the field of prosthetic heart valves, biomaterials and cardiovascular engineering. He received his PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering in 2004 and MS in Civil & Environmental Engineering in 2000 from Georgia Institute of Technology. He completed his BTech in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai.
Following his PhD, he trained as a postdoctoral fellow and research engineer under Prof. Ajit Yoganathan’s mentorship at Georgia Tech where he transformed his research focus to heart valves, devices, and cardiovascular biomechanics. In 2009, he established the Cardiovascular Biofluid Mechanics Lab (CBFL) as Assistant Professor at Colorado State University and moved to The Ohio State University in 2015 as his focus became more translational. Since then, his research has focused on tackling the complexity of: (a) heart valve biomechanics (native and prosthetic); (b) prosthetic heart valve engineering (conventional & trans-catheter); (c) structure-function relationships of the heart in health and disease at the embryonic, pediatric, as well as adult stages; and (d) turbulence and turbulent blood flow. His most notable work involves the development of polymeric valves for adult and pediatric patients. He has supervised over 20 graduate students and 10 postdoctoral scientists over the course of his career and has had 85+ peer reviewed articles with over 200 conference presentations.
He was elected as a fellow of American College of Cardiology and American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering in 2021. Dr. Dasi has received several awards including the Melissa G. Piper Distinguished Mentor Award, George T. Abell Outstanding Teaching & Service Faculty Award, George T. Abell Outstanding Early-Career Faculty Award, and the American Heart Association’s National Scientist Development Award. Dr. Dasi also serves on the editorial board of the Annals of Biomedical Engineering in addition to serving as reviewer on NIH, AHA, and NSF grant study section/panels in addition to international funding agencies. He actively organizes symposiums and sessions related to heart valve engineering at national and international meetings such as at the World Congress of Biomechanics, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, and Biotransport Conference, Heart Valve Society, and the U.S. National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He currently has 17 issued US Patents with 2 in pipeline and is also involved in international partnerships with the goal of developing low-cost heart valves in low-resource countries and has received special funding from the NIH as well as Indian government in this effort.
In his spare time, he enjoys cooking hot steamy Chinese entrees and watching movies after catching up on sleep.
For more information, please refer to Dr. Dasi’s Google Scholar.