Jim Wesley, a long-time supporter of the CFM lab, paid us a visit with his grandson Tyler (a GT grad). Thank you, Mr. Wesley, for your continued support of our work!
Dr. Y’s NAE Induction
Congratulations to Dr. Yoganathan for his 2015 induction into the National Academy of Engineering! Click here for the NAE press release. Click here for Dr. Yoganathan’s induction presentation at Georgia Tech, “Cardiovascular Engineering: A Personal Journey from Bench to Bedside.”
Children’s Heart Surgeons Use 3-D Heart Mapping to Plan Complicated Surgeries
The CFM Lab’s surgical planning work in collaboration with pediatric heart surgeons around the world makes miracles possible! The video below is from a segment featuring our work on Fox 5 News.
Co(lab)oration: When Emory and Georgia Tech put their heads together, this happens
An excerpt from Emory Magazine’s feature on Emory/GT collaborative research: “If cardiac surgery can be performed on a beating heart through a small incision, it reduces bleeding, risk of infection, and the stress of stopping and restarting the heart. The start-up Apica Cardiovascular has licensed a Georgia Tech/Emory technology invented by researchers Ajit Yoganathan, Jorge […]
Dr. Y Receives the Pritzker Award
Congratulations to Dr. Yoganathan for receiving the Robert A. Pritzker Award! Dr. Yoganathan’s talk “From Bench to Bedside, A Journey Through Translational Research” highlighted how his research has evolved into tools to help patients.