CHBE uses a dual advising model that involves dedicated academic advisors and faculty mentors. The CHBE Academic Advising Team for which the contact info is listed below is responsible for advising on degree-related issues, for supporting personal and professional growth of students, and for helping students navigate any issues that may hinder their success. Faculty mentors are a primary source of career advising. The Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies (Dr. Breedveld) bridges between those roles and is often a great initial resource for students with career-related questions.
Use the menu on the right for information about specific policies and access to additional advising -related resources.
CHBE Advising Team
General Advising and Planning
Last Names A-M
Advisor: Sametria Matthews
Phone: 404-894-2865
Office location: 1208 Ford ES&T Building
Last Names N-Z
Advisor: Adrienne Hillman
Phone: 404-385-5471
Office location: 1218 Ford ES&T Building
Career Advising
Advisor: Dr. Victor Breedveld
Office location: 1202 Ford ES&T Building
See for details and updates on all specialized pre-professional advising resources. Pre-Health, pre-Law, pre-Teaching and pre-Graduate are the primary categories for which specialized advising resources exist.