5 Year BS/MS Program

The program seeks to engage undergraduate students at Georgia Tech who indicate an interest in, and ability for, additional education beyond the BS degree. Students with significant AP credit will be especially well positioned to take full advantage of this opportunity.

Students in the BS/MS Program will remain undergraduates until they meet the requirements for the BS degree; after which, their status will change to graduate student.  Students can complete no more than twelve hours of graduate coursework while still enrolled as an undergraduate student.  Additionally, students participating in the program will be eligible for the six credit-hour Graduate Course Option as described here.

Students are eligible to apply for the program after completion of thirty semester credit hours at Georgia Tech (i.e., at the end of freshman year). As a practical matter, it is recommended that students apply to the program immediately after completion of ChBE 3130. Students must have a Georgia Tech GPA of 3.5 or higher for admission into the program.

Admission into the program will be based on academic performance at Georgia Tech, as well as the potential for advanced study and/or research as assessed from the essay and recommendation letter.

Continuation in the program will require the student to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher. This GPA requirement should not deter students from taking challenging courses. The program will not penalize students who opt out after receiving the BS degree.

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
ChE 6XXX Chemical Engineering Elective 3
ChE 6100 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3
ChE 6200 Transport Phenomena: Momentum and Heat Transfer 3
ChE 6260 Mass Transfer 3
ChE 6300 Kinetics and Reactor Design 3
ChE 6500 Mathematical Modeling of Chemical Processes 3
Other Elective 3
ChE 7000 Master’s Thesis or other electives 9
Total Credit Hours 30


For more information about this program please consult with Dr. Carson Meredith, associate chair for graduate studies.