Become a ChBE Student Ambassador

Are you looking for an awesome leadership opportunity within ChBE? ChBE Ambassadors is a great opportunity to get more involved within the department as well as interact with prospective and transfer students! The ChBE Ambassador organization recruits each Spring semester beginning with a written application. There is a subsequent interview round before final selections are made. Please see below for more information on the specific job role and application information.

What is a ChBE Student Ambassador?
As a representative of the department you would assist with a minimum of 2 events per semester:

  • Building and lab tours for prospective students and families
  • Serving on student panels answering Q&As – Prospective Information Sessions, Alumni & High School Panels, Change of Major Sessions
  • Departmental events and activities
  • Freshman and Transfer FASETs each semester

How & Where do I apply?

Information on application materials will be released in early 2025!

Why is this important?
It is very important that ChBE has strong student leaders that represent our community well. Whether it be marketing the program’s benefits and outcomes or making our new students feel welcome and supported, the ambassador program has a long-standing tradition of hospitality and is a great opportunity to make a meaningful impact on our community.

We welcome all eligible ChBE students – those that were admitted to GT as freshman, transfers, or those that changed into the major. Again, you must be enrolled in ChBE 2100 this Spring 2024 semester or have already taken the course. Please feel free to email me with any questions at