The Center for Nanostructure Characterization (CNC) is now part of the Materials Characterization Facility, a shared use facility for electron microscopy and other characterization tools at Georgia Tech .
We have around 300 active users every year from 11 units across the campus, including the schools of BME, CEE, IBB, ChBE, Chem, EAS, ECE, GTRI, RBI, ME and MSE. The journal publications that have been produced by faculty, students, and postdocs as a result of using our facility are more than 200 per year.
About our instruments
Here in CNC we are running two SEMs (LEO 1530 and Hitachi SU8010). The resolution of Hitachi Su8010 can reach 1 nm. LEO 1530 has EDX attachment and can perform chemical analysis.
We have four TEM in the center. They are JEOL 100CX (100kV), Hitachi 2000 (150kV), FEI Tecnai G2 F30 (80kV, 200kV, 300kV), and JEOL 4000EX (350kV). The Tecnai F30 was installed in the march of 2012. The attachments on F30 include: STEM annular dark-field detector, Lorenz lens, electron holography Biprism, Gatan GIF system (Tridiem 863 UHS), Tomography holder (Fischione Model 2020 Advanced tomographyholder, single-tilt), Oxford EDX 6763, Gatan US4000 CCD ( 16 Million pixel resolution), double-tilt heating holder, double-tilt cooling holder.
We also provide tools and support for SEM and TEM sample preparation.
WELCOME TO THE CENTER FOR NANOSTRUCTURE CHARACTERIZATION – – We are now part of the shared use Materials Characterization Facility
Thank you for visiting the Center for Nanostructure Characterization web site. We are now part of the shared use Materials Characterization Facility, supported by the Institute for Materials. We hope you find the information and resources you were searching for. If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail us by clicking on the ‘CONTACT US’ link above.
Address: PTB building, Georgia Institute of Technology, 500 10th Street, N.W., Atlanta. GA 30318