CNC Staff

Ms. Yolande Berta

Senior Research Scientist
Office: PT Building 279
Telephone: 404-894-2545
E-mail: yolande.berta[at]

Main responsibilities:

  • Hands-on training in the operation of SEMs and TEMs
  • Coordinating the use of the instruments for research, training and classes
  • Providing service and feedback to over 250 users in the Center

Yolande Berta has over 20 years experience in electron microscopy, including both SEM and TEM, and has trained thousands of operators.Ms. Berta has a Master’s degree in Science from the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master’s degree in Biology from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.

This diverse background has ideally positioned her to work with students from all disciplines on campus. Ms. Berta has over 15 peer-reviewed publications, and has given over 15 professional presentations.

Dr. Yong Ding

Senior Research Engineer
Office: PT Building 274
Telephone: 404-385-7464
Fax: 404-385-3852

Main responsibilities in CNC include: Maintenance and user training of the high-resolution transmission electron microscopes, HF2000, JEOL4000EX and FEI Tecnai F30. Cooperating with faculty and researchers inside and outside campus on TEM research. TEM sample preparation training. Dr. Ding received his Ph. D in Physics from Nanjing University, China in 2001. Before recruited to Georgia Tech at 2003, Dr. Ding worked in the Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany for 13 months. In the first two years at Georgia Tech, Dr. Ding worked in Dr. Z.L. Wang’s group as a postdoctoral fellow. He was promoted to Research Engineer I In 2005, Research Engineer II in 2008 and Senior Rersearch Engineer in 2012. Dr. Ding has more than 13 years experience in TEM and published more than 120 peer-reviewed journal papers. And his H-index reaches 39. To date, Dr. Ding served as reviewer for over 20 Technical Journals.

Tim Mr. Tim (Tiejun) Zhang

Electronics Engineer
Office: PT Building 278
Telephone: 404-385-7101

Main responsibilities: Maintain and repair the instruments in CNC Training of new users (SEM Hitachi SU8010 ). Tim got his bachelor degree in 1982 from Northeastern University in China. After graduation, Tim has over 20 years experience as an EM service engineer and EM Lab engineer, in the installation, calibration, teaching, operation, cost-effective preventive maintenance and repair-trouble shooting of advanced microscopy and materials characterization instrumentation and sample preparation equipment (TEM, SEM, ESEM, Microprobe, FTIR, EDS, WDS, AFM, Ion mill, Evaporator, Sputter, Water chiller made by JEOL, Philips, FEI, Hitachi, Zeiss, Amray, Gatan, Fischione, Pelco, Balzers and so on). He also has research experience in computer hardware and software. Main responsibilities: Coordinating the use of XRD instruments for research, training and classes Cooperating with researchers On/Off Gatech campus and worldwide on XRD research .