All MCF users need to take the x-ray safety training (for x-ray producing devices) from the Office of Radiological Safety.
And before starting the training on each instrument, please fill out the radiation safety Form B, online, then print for a signature.
Sign up for training is on the SUMS – Shared User Management System web site.
The purpose of a training session is to give researchers the skills to collect data for a research project.
Please check the “EM Training Schedule” link on the left for upcoming sessions and prerequisites.
SEM Training: Some preparations are necessary for SEM training and work. They are:
- Prepare a sample for examination in the SEM. Nonconductive samples will likely require conductive coatings, before they may be examined in the SEM. This will have to be done in advance of the training. If you do not know how to do this, please ask well before the session.
- Read through and study the instructions for the model LEO 1530 SEM, available for view via our training schedule: (please copy it into your browser; if clicking on the link gives an error message).
- Complete ORS Form B and take it to the Radiation Safety seminar offered by the Office of Radiological Safety:
NOTE: Demonstrations on sample preparation are separate from SEM training. Please request a separate, earlier session for learning how to prepare or sputter coat your sample.
TEM Training: beginner and advanced level training is offered
- Training lasts from 4 to 5 days, 2 hours per day
- It is recommended that you bring your own sample on the third day, for learning how to record images
X-Ray Training: usually lasts for 2 hours, and is conducted in a group