Drupal 8 to WordPress Migration
Worked on a 2-person team. Focused on migrating the Home page, About, and News & Updates page.
Data Excellence Home Page
- In Drupal 8 (D8), the hexagons were coded in HTML and the code did not transfer well to wordpress.
- As a solution, I recreated the hexagons in Adobe Illastrator and imported them as media and overlayed the text.
- For news and updates, D8 has content types that a developer uses that allow users to enter information, auto-generate blocks that are pre-layedout, and automatically place said blocks that make a site content manager friendly. WordPress doesnt have that feature built in.
- As a solution, I researched and experimented with several potential plugins and found the Formidable Plugin. Its intented use is for having a form on a webpage and taking in viewer input but it works for internal use as well.

Data Excellence About Page
- Making profile images all the same size. In D8, they have a place for numerical inputs.
- Solution, sizing the images externally

Original: https://d8gtdata.oit.gatech.edu/home
Migrated: https://sites.gatech.edu/datax/