Dungeon Crawler Game
Collaborated as a part of a four-person team to design and create a Dungeons and Crawlers JavaFX game.
Responsible for diagraming key concepts, creating tests to ensure quality code, and creating game code.
Github Repo: https://github.com/aColtrain/Dungeon-Crawler
VIP – Digital Delibration
The VIP Digital Deliberation works on the Reflect! Platform, a collaboration tool. I led a four-person sub-team that was responsible for designing prototypes of web pages using Figma and using React to implement the prototypes.
For more information about The VIP DIgital Deliberation visit: https://www.vip.gatech.edu/teams/vva.
*There’s is a slight blur
The first image is the Reflect! Platform’s Dashboard. My goal is to make it more aesthetically pleasing, accessible, and readable and implement it using react.
Iteration 1: In the first iteration, I went through color palettes and decided on a blue palette that had a wide range of blues. I changed the navigation bar to dark blue to add more contrast between the letters and the background color making it easier to read. I redesigned the Work Plan to be this gradient of blue tabs. When a tab is clicked, the tabs below it would shift down and the clicked tab expands to display information.
Iteration 2: I got rid of the colored background to make readability easier and added arrows to emphasize the workflow of the Work Plan. I assigned colors based on the level of collaboration each section requires in the plan then used those colors for the border of each section. For accessibility purposes, I added lines on each section that also determine the level of collaboration.
Documentation for the VIP Digital Deliberation: VIP Notebook
Gold Digger GBA Game
The Gold Digger Game Boy Advance (GBA) Game is a Computer Organization & Programming (CS 2110) class project. The assignment is to create a C program that would run on a Game Boy Advance emulator. The objective is to learn about low-level hardware programming in C.
[Insert Picture of Start Screen and Play Screen and Game Over Screen]
The Gold Digger GBA Game consists of a start, play, and end scene. Player can use the spacebar to start the game. The arrow keys control the pickaxe. The goal of the game is to find 5 gold nuggets in the dirt. Practices implemented for this game are:
- Collision Detection
- waitForVblank()
- Mode 3 video
- Button Input
- Text Implementation
- Background image, small image, and character image
- Aviod tearing (image distortion)
Projects (50)
Dancing Dino Animation
Animal Maze
Continuity Video
Gold Digger GBA Game
May 2021 – July 2021