Below is the listed learning goals of our 4 years project.
Goal 1: Learning In Informal Experiences And Environments
We would like to enhance human-data interaction (HDI) design. Through an iterative design-based research project, the team aims to develop air quality data interactions that support Preparation for Future Learning (PFL) for two primary communities. The project involves the creation of a Data Visualization and the Environment (DVE) summer camp for middle school learners, where they engage in hands-on activities designing visual data representations. Additionally, the ContAQT platform will be displayed in a public area to explore PFL about air quality to a broader audience.
Goal 2: Advancing The Knowledge Base Of Informal STEM Learning
This goal focuses on advancing understanding in Human-Data Interaction (HDI) design for complex scientific data in informal, organic interactions. The team aims to go beyond the simplified metrics of the U.S. Air Quality Index (AQI) and delve into deeper public understanding of air quality and pollution. The project also aims to promote data empowerment for underrepresented learners, particularly targeting middle school students from underrepresented groups in STEM fields. The DVE summer camp will provide these students with agency in selecting environmental projects, fostering critical data practices.
Goal 3: Equity, Belonging, And Broadening Participation
In this goal, the project addresses the complexity of air quality data and its impact on public engagement. ****The ContAQT platform serves as a bridge, broadening participation by displaying multi-pollutant air quality data for a public audience. ****The research emphasizes understanding and responding to the interests, perspectives, and educational needs of multiple populations, with a focus on improving public understanding of air quality. The goal is to actively engage the public with environmental data through prominently displaying contextualized data in a public kiosk, removing barriers to access and fostering broader participation.
Goal 4: Intentionally Community/Practitioner Driven
This goal centers around CEISMC’s commitment to systemic changes for increased STEM engagement and achievement, especially for underrepresented students. Through partnerships with school districts and community organizations, the team collaborates with educators, designs camps, workshops, and professional development opportunities. The research team plans to disseminate surveys and conduct focus groups to understand best practices, challenges, and topics of interest. The DVE extracurricular clubs, developed by GIFT teachers, will be supported without dictating content, contributing to understanding how environmental data activities can be tailored for diverse communities.
Goal 5: Informal STEM Infrastructure
This goal focuses on the development of the ContAQT platform, initially displayed as a kiosk in a public space. The platform will be transformed into a web app accessible online. It will be designed to be responsive across various display sizes, pulling data from the US EPA AirNow repository. Educator guides will be created for different ages and settings, enhancing the accessibility of air quality data for educators. Materials developed in the project will be available for free download on the ContAQT web platform.
Goal 6: Support Participation In And Understanding Of STEM Practices
The objective of this goal is to provide unique opportunities for students through summer programs, allowing them to expand on traditional classroom content while practicing communication and problem-solving skills. The DVE summer camp will include air quality content, data visualization workshops, field trips, and dedicated time for student projects. Aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the proposed work emphasizes student-centered science education and aligns with previous research where students gained experience with data-related STEM practices contextualized within grade-level content. Students will investigate NGSS-aligned air quality content from a deeper perspective, engaging in data literacy practices in active research labs on the Georgia Tech campus.