After several rounds of testing with users, the AQI research team designed and developed the new version of the ContAQT system with the updated the daily AQI chart design. The current ContAQT system simplifies the explanation of AQI calculation process and presents both real-time and historical AQI data from 2014 to 2023 for Atlanta. This interactive system on a 65′ touchscreen allows visitors to explore AQI concepts at their own pace in a non-linear learning trajectory, piquing the personal interests of visitors, encouraging deeper exploration and understanding of Atlanta’s air quality. The following two images show the design iterations we have conducted based on users feedback. (Design Version 1 on the left and Version 2 [Current Version] on the right)
Now showcased at the Dataseum, an exhibition dedicated to local sustainability-related data and fostering public involvement with data, located within Georgia Tech Library, this installation made its debut on April 18th. It has emerged as a central attraction for students, faculty, and residents alike, igniting curiosity and promoting engagement with Atlanta’s data panorama alongside other exhibits.

Throughout the summer, the research team will engage in multiple A/B tests with the system, aiming to discern which design features best facilitate data exploration and comprehension for novice learners. Their focus will center on striking a balance between information simplicity, making data accessible to a broader audience, and information richness, ensuring that important and more in-depth data is available. This exploration takes place within the context of science public education, particularly in informal learning settings.
The research group will analyze how different design elements, such as visualization chart types and color schemes, impact visitors’ learning processes, outcomes, interactions, and discussions. Two types of visualization charts will be compared: the more familiar bar chart (displayed on the left side of the first row) and the less familiar circular chart (shown on the right side of the first row). Additionally, the team will examine the effects of two distinct color schemes: one featuring six categorized color choices (depicted on the left side of the second row) and the other employing a gradient color scale (illustrated on the right side of the second row). These tests will shed light on the most effective ways to present data for educational purposes in informal learning environments.

The exhibition will remain open throughout the summer and fall of 2024 in the gallery situated on the first floor of Price Gilbert at GaTech Library. We invite you to join us and embark on an exciting journey exploring Atlanta’s data landscape in an interactive and enjoyable manner!