Schumacher’s CoNTRoL is not accepting graduate students for the 2020-2021 academic year.
The Schumacher lab has no current positions for post-docs, graduate students, undergraduate students, and research assistants.
We currently do not have any open Post-Doc position.
If you are interested, contact Dr. Schumacher by email.
Graduate Students
We are not looking for graduate students at this time.
Prospective graduate students can apply for admission to the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Psychology PhD program through the Georgia Tech Graduate Admissions Portal. Georgia Tech uses the CollegeNet application hosting website for all of its graduate applications. Students interested in joining the Schumacher lab should include Dr. Schumacher on the section for professors you would be interested in working with.
In addition to filling out the application, the School of Psychology page for Prospective Graduate Students has information on admissions requirements and financial aid. You can also view the 2017 School of Psychology Student Handbook to get a sense of the courses and and other degree requirements for the Cognition and Brain Science area. We also encourage you to contact Dr. Schumacher or our graduate students if you have questions about our lab, our graduate program, or graduate school in general.
Undergraduate Students and Research Assistants
We are not looking for research assistants at this time.
Please refer to the calendars available on the Registrar’s Office site for what dates summer semesters cover.
Prospective undergraduate researchers, research assistants, and lab technicians can apply to work in the lab for course credit or for pay by emailing Dr. Schumacher. For general information about our research or other questions about the lab, you can contact us at or email one of us directly from our Staff pages.