About me

I  am a third-year Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization Ph.D. student with the School of Mathematics at Georgia Tech. My advisor is Professor Xingxing Yu. I did my my bachelors in mathematics at the University of The Andes, Colombia advised by Professor Carolina Benedetti. My research interests are structural graph theory and graph coloring.


Spring 2023: TA for Math 1554- Linear Algebra.

Fall 2022: TA for Math 2603 – Intro. to Discrete Math.

Summer 2022: TA for Math 2603 – Intro. to Discrete Math.

Spring 2022: TA for Math 2603 – Intro. to Discrete Math.

Fall 2021: TA for Math 1551- Differential Calculus.


Office/MathLab Hours: 

Office: Skiles 137-7

Email: cvargas31 (at) gatech (dot) edu