An initial draft of the project proposal

Project summary:

With this project, I would like to expose the unfair teachings of fundamentalist ideologies to kids throughout their schooling. These fundamentalist ideologies prevent them from learning core math and sciences without the students having much of a choice. This will be displayed primarily through Orthodox Jewish schools as that is what I have more exposure to but applies across multiple religions. I feel that this needs to be done because with many religions having such strong values of education, it is unfair that kids in those religions are censored from science when they could in fact become major contributors to the field.

Statement of Positionality:

I believe that due to the strong values of education rooted in many religions, students should be exposed to the sciences and then choose for themselves whether they wish to pursue fundamentalist teachings or that of the sciences. One major experience that informs this perspective is seeing my Orthodox Jewish Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. My Aunt and Uncle forced my cousins to go to a Yeshiva school where they barely touched a high school level of math and science. They were raised in fundamentalist teaching and whereas school should have been a place for them to expand their knowledge and make their own choices, it only narrowed their viewpoint. Not only are they lost of free-thinkers and contributors to the scientific and mathematical field, but often time they are far worse off after high school as they leave with no usable education outside of religious purposes.


One key source of background needed is a comparison of literacy rates, math proficiency, and science proficiency, between religious schools and normal high schools. Perhaps finding studies done on how they live after high school given no usable education is also good background. I believe that historically, looking at the fact that about a third of all Nobel prize winners in the sciences have been Jews even with their small population shows how education is important to that religion yet being wiped away in these schools.

Target Audience:

Given that Orthodox parents will not watch the movie and they will never let their kids see the movie, it does not make much sense to make them the target audience. For that reason, the target audience has to be non-ultra-religious parents. These people tend to consume lots from social media and also by word of mouth. However, I believe they still watch movies especially when they are not intended to be super artsy indie films. Hopefully, that group can watch this film, spread it, and push to get fundamentalist teachings banned in these schools. If not that, at least I hope to push them to let their kids enjoy the sciences and become free-thinkers, not to push them into their ideologies.

Primary Research Experience:

I am not sure that I will really speak with my Aunt and Uncle on this topic but my Mom knows a lot about the schools my cousins attended so I will definitely be speaking to her. I will also be searching up those schools, going on their specific websites to try and find their curriculum/course layout.

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