Research activity 2/9/23

Research: A systematic way of gathering information on a specific question to form an argument

Observation of object:

  • Red, worn-down cover
  • says 1960
  • says esras
  • rough texture
  • has a mini vinyl record, blue and yellow
  • handwritten notes in the back and front in cursive
  • Black and white pictures of sports, classrooms, buildings, photos


  • Yearbook
  • Their colors are gold and blue from 1960
  • Potentially the owner was Cissy esra davis
  • potentially the owner was on the B-team cheer
  • Montgomery county Indiana, Crawfordsville Indiana
  • The school’s mascot is the Athenians
  • The owner died at 31
  • Vinyl is a read-through of the yearbook
  • Yearbook was bought freshman year
  • At least 8-12 grade

What topics and our observations could give rise to?

One main topic this observation could inform is the changing opportunities of high school students from the 1960s until now. Based on the activities listed in the yearbook, you can determine if students in that area are exposed to the same, better, or worse opportunities. Another topic you could look at is what is socially acceptable to say over time. For example, the yearbook had an award for “best Physique” which wouldn’t fly today

What is the story?

Two people met at Crawford’s high school and both ended up at Butler University. They both joined greek life and were dating at the time. They ended up getting married and having two children. The mother got sick and passed away young and the husband remarried two years later.

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