Updated screenplay (read the initial one first)

New Updates:

  • A little over 5 pages
  • Scene description added to the beginning
  • Some final dialogue to conclude the scene after the monologue
  • The scene is now complete not just a monologue
  • Another character was added, a parent of one of the students
  • Now about 5 minutes in length
  • The beginning of the second part of the monologue was changed
  • The immediate dialogue leading into the monologue was updated
  • Minor phrases were altered throughout

Audio delivery of the scene:

Again, I made a YouTube video of the delivery of the scene with me playing all the parts to show how the dialogue should be paced.

Here is the link if that does not work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWsvHoouW4I

PDF of the draft in screenplay format


  • The dialogue, in the beginning, is a little rough and I am still playing around with it.
  • I like the fast-paced dialogue exchange when Mr. Butler interjects and starts questioning the parent
  • The exchange starting with “How much do you know about the science I taught?” is almost verbatim from the actual Scopes monkey Trial. It was a very iconic moment when Scopes’ lawyer responded with “Do you think about things you do think about?
  • Asking about whether the children were harmed is also inspired by the Scopes Monkey Trial where a student was put on the stand and asked the same thing. However, the questions that follow are my own.
  • I feel now that the monologue sounds a little better and a little smoother with the changes
  • I am still working on a phrase to replace: “education guided by God himself”. I was looking at Yeshiva’s mission statements to find something good but couldn’t get anything. It should be something able to be used in a condescending way
  • This scene comes out to 5 minutes and 15 seconds. However, with the initial setup, Butler having to walk in as stated in the scene description, and future edits, I believe it will land around 6 minutes. That, I believe is a very good length for a scene like this.
  • For reference the Scent of a Woman scene is about 7 minutes, the Newsroom scene is 5 minutes, and the Good Will Hunting Scene is 5 minutes.

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