- Public transportation in Atlanta
- Created a Museum exhibit
- Made it past, present, and future
- MARTA is thought of as a social service and a congestion relief
- Did a good job of combining the presentation with a physical thing like what I needed to do
- Peruvian Presidencies Podcast
- Machu Picchu was closed for Pedro Castillo’s rebellion
- Made for people who listen to NPR
- Discusses the Fujimori family and its corruption and how it led to Castillio getting elected
- She was very very knowledgeable on her topic and was able to give nice details in her answers. I should review some of the backgrounds more to prepare for that.
- Coding with ChatGPT
- Documentary-style video on how ChatGPT can be used in computer science classes
- Made a pong game completely coded by ChatGPT
- Bad at making a game from scratch but better at solving problems as a supplementary tool
- It was nice that it was very little slide reading which allowed him to communicate better. My slides were going to be denser but I think I will mostly talk instead
- Book reading of an excerpt of Thinking Through Time
- Learn more about the character as the story unfolds
- Was very entranced by the reading so I was not really taking too many notes
- Relationship between Young Adults and Gambling
- Asks the audience about their experience with gambling
- A series of videos that tell a memorable story accompanied by facts
- Like TikToks with parts 1, 2, …
- Put it under the STEM FYP on TikTok
- How Instagram is destroying teen girls’ mental health
- Looked at the negative effects for different genders and social media addiction
- Particularly looking at Instagram and the controversies surrounding it
- Meta is creating an Instagram product for teens
- Poll younger age groups and post it to a website aimed at parents