2022 Workshop

Our workshop will be in the Georgia Tech TSRB Auditorium (First Floor) on Thurs. Nov 17th from 9 AM – 1:50 PM.

We will have a group of data experts, researchers, producers, artists, and curators. The workshop objectives are to: (a) gather exhibit ideas and visions for exhibits (b) share presentations of participants’ past work (c) discuss how this initiative can be most successful and what success metrics should look like (d) refine the museum’s mission and goals to help this project move forward.


8:30 Optional: Coffee and light breakfast
9-9:45 Welcome, introductions, overview of idea and work so far
9:45-10:15 Visioning activity: discussion on the overall idea and suggestions
10:15-10:30 Break!
10:30-12:15 Attendee presentations
12:15-12:45 Catered lunch
12:45-1:15 Small group brainstorming of data themes, contributions, exhibit ideas
1:15-1:45 Small groups share exhibit ideas with the attendees
1:45-1:50 Wrap up and closing

Dataseum Logo

Participant research keywords

Viral dynamics, modeling, ecology, evolution, theory, learning sciences, critical data literacy, visualization, biomaterials, infectious diseases, design of functional materials (from soft materials for lab-on-chip designs to semiconductors for photovoltaics), design, computation, making, craft, software, art, data studies, data visualization, scientific collections, social studies of science and technology, visual analytics, information visualization, human-computer interaction, interactive products, IOT, physical interaction, HCI, industrial design, design education, data visualization, shape grammars, shape computation, computational design, cad, makerspaces, rapid prototyping, embedded computing, stem outreach, craft, computation, design, arts, arts integration, public engagement, producing, textiles, VR, math art/outreach, data, biodata, tangible, embodied, wearable, emotion ai, electric power systems, resilience, optimization, geographic information systems, social network analysis

This project is generously funded by a Forming Teams SEED grant from IPAT with the aim of identifying needs, stakeholders, best practices, and paths forward toward creating a Dataseum at Georgia Tech.