A collaborating team fist bumping.

The Digital Learning Team and the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) collaborated to empower faculty and enhance student learning experiences: Canvas Campaigns, the Fall Teaching Kickoff, and the Summer 2024 Course Design Studio.

Canvas Campaigns: A Course Design & Delivery Odyssey

Held virtually on July 22nd and 25th, the Canvas Campaigns event was an epic journey into the world of course design and delivery using Canvas. Participants were guided through the process of creating templated Canvas courses, migrating content, and exploring strategies to enhance clarity and communication. The event also focused on asynchronous community-building techniques, setting up Canvas gradebooks, and developing accessible materials. This initiative, developed through the collaborative efforts of CTL, OIT, GTPE, and C21U, aimed to ease teaching burdens and support student learning.

Fall Teaching Kickoff

The Fall Teaching Kickoff is a signature event for new and returning faculty which was held on August 13th. This in-person event was held at Clough Undergraduate Commons and featured a mix of workshops, plenary sessions, and networking opportunities. Faculty engaged in sessions on syllabus revision, course design, leveraging technology, and establishing inclusive learning communities. The goal was to energize and inspire faculty as they prepare for the new academic year, fostering a supportive teaching community at Georgia Tech.

Summer 2024 Course Design Studio

The Summer 2024 Course Design Studio was another highlight of this collaborative effort. This event offered faculty a hands-on opportunity to delve into course design, which focused on creating engaging and effective learning experiences. Participants worked on developing course materials, integrating technology, and exploring innovative teaching strategies. The studio environment encouraged creativity and collaboration, providing faculty with the tools and support needed to enhance their teaching practices.

Upcoming Events

The Digital Learning Team and the Center of Teaching and Learning are always offering workshops, roundtables, and signature events year round. To stay in the loop, subscribe to CTL’s newsletter and DLT’s newsletter. In addition, explore the DLT’s Homepage and CTL’s Current Events page for upcoming events!