Razi earned his B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from University of Tehran, Iran in 2011. After spending one year in the M.Sc. program at the same institution, he moved to the United States and joined the Photonics Research Group at Georgia Tech in Fall 2012. Razi received the Colonel Oscar P. Cleaver Award for ranking 1st in the ECE Ph.D. preliminary exam in Fall 2012. He is also the recipient of the Georgia Tech President’s Fellowship and the NSF Honorable Mention. In 2014, he earned his M.Sc. in electrical engineering at Georgia Tech with minor in physics.
Razi is currently pursuing his Ph.D. with research focused on phononic devices and optomechanical resonators. He particularly works on the design and fabrication of pillar-based surface acoustic wave devices with phononic bandgap at GHz frequencies as well as wideband tunable double-layer optical resonators with electrostatic actuation in telecom bandwidth.
Office: 267 Bunger-Henry
E-Mail: razi3@gatech.edu