Degree Requirements

The GT non-thesis MS degree in ECE requires 30 credit hours; the degree requirements are posted at

ECE courses that are taught at GT-Shenzhen are drawn primarily from the following Technical Interest Areas (TIAs): Computer Systems and Software, Digital Signal Processing, Electric EnergyElectromagnetics, Electronic Design and Applications, Microelectronics/Microsystems, Optics and Photonics, Systems and Controls, Telecommunications, and VLSI Systems and Digital Design. Courses outside of ECE will be taught at GT-Shenzhen as well, so that the students can meet the “Minor” component of the degree requirements. Non-ECE courses may be taught in Shenzhen from the following disciplines: Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics.

Coursework Form

Students are required to submit a coursework form early on in the program to aid their program planning and to ensure that they fully understand the MS ECE degree requirements. There is a certain degree of flexibility in completing the coursework form. Some sample course completion forms are given below; a and b versions correspond to the same set of courses, but different ways of grouping them.

Example 1a, Example 1b, Example 2a, Example 2b, Example 3a, Example 3b(See the ECE Graduate Handbook for detailed instructions).

To submit the form online, please use the coursework form link from the ECE secure website:

Revisions to the coursework planning form should be submitted whenever a significant change is made in the student’s study program.

GT MS Diploma

GT MS Diploma Sample

Degree Petition

All students are required to submit an Online Application for Graduation (OAG). GT-Shenzhen students should obtain an Exit Survey to be submitted with their petition materials from the GT-Shenzhen office.

Courses – TIA classifications

Note that some courses are cross-listed under different TIAs. ECE 6500 can be used as a DSP TIA or Modern Optics TIA or Systems & Controls TIA course.

To submit the form online, please use the Coursework form link from the ECE secure website:

Revisions to the coursework planning form should be submitted whenever a significant change is made in the student’s study program.