1. G. Lan, H.E. Romeijn, and Z. Zhou. Conditional gradient methods for convex optimization with general affine and nonlinear constraints. SIAM Journal on Optimization 31:3 (2021), 2307-2339.
  2. Z. Strinka and H.E. Romeijn. Approximation algorithms for selection problems in supply chain optimization. Operations Research 66:3 (2018), 834-848.
  3. I. Lee, M.A. Epelman, H.E. Romeijn, and R.L. Smith. Simplex algorithm for countable-state discounted Markov Decision Processes. Operations Research 65:4 (2017), 1029-1042.
  4. M. Al-Gwaiz, X. Chao, and H.E. Romeijn. Capacity expansion and cost efficiency improvement in the warehouse problem. Naval Research Logistics 63 (2016), 367-373.
  5. V.W. Wu, M.A. Epelman, H. Wang, H.E. Romeijn, M. Feng, Y. Cao, R. Ten Haken, and M. Matuszak. Optimizing global liver function in radiation therapy treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology 61:17 (2016).
  6. J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, and W. van den Heuvel. Improving the efficiency of decentralized supply chains with fixed ordering costs. European Journal of Operational Research 252:3 (2016), 815-828.
  7. M. Önal, H.E. Romeijn, A. Sapra, and W. van den Heuvel. The economic lot-sizing problem with perishable items and consumption order preference. Naval Research Logistics 244:3 (2015), 881-891.
  8. J. Unkelbach, M. Alber, M. Bangert, R. Bokrantz, T. Bortfeld, D. Chen, D. Craft, R. Li, C. Men, S. Nill, D. Papp, E. Romeijn, E. Salari, and L. Xing. Optimization approaches to volumetric modulated arc therapy planning. Medical Physics 42:3 (2015), 1367-1377.
  9. F. Peng, S. Jiang, E. Romeijn, and M. Epelman. VMATc: VMAT with constant gantry speed and dose rate. Physics in Medicine and Biology 60:7 (2015), 2955.
  10. A. Almuhtady, S. Lee, H.E. Romeijn, M. Wynblatt, and J. Ni. A degradation-informed battery-swapping policy for fleets of electric or hybrid-electric vehicles. Transportation Science 48:4 (2014), 609-618.
  11. H.E. Romeijn, D. Romero Morales, and W. van den Heuvel. Computational complexity of finding Pareto efficient outcomes for bi-objective lot-sizing models. Naval Research Logistics 61:5 (2014), 386-402.
  12. C. Rainwater, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. Resource constrained assignment problems with shared resource consumption and flexible demand. INFORMS Journal on Computing 26:2 (2014), 290-302.
  13. P. Dong, D. Nguyen, D. Ruan, C. King, T. Long, H.E. Romeijn, D.A. Low, P. Kupelian, M. Steinberg, Y. Yang, and K. Sheng. Feasibility of prostate robotic radiotherapy on conventional C-arm linacs. Practical Radiation Oncology 4:4 (2014), 254-260.
  14. M. Zarepisheh, T. Long, N. Li, Z. Tian, E. Romeijn, X. Jia, and S. Jiang. A DVH-guided IMRT optimization algorithm for automatic treatment planning and adaptive radiotherapy replanning. Medical Physics 41 (2014), 061711.
  15. I. Lee, M.A. Epelman, H.E. Romeijn, and R.L. Smith. Extreme point characterization of constrained non stationary infinite-horizon Markov decision processes. Operations Research Letters 42:3 (2014), 238-245.
  16. D. Aleman, J. Wallgren, H.E. Romeijn, and J.F. Dempsey. A fluence map optimization model for restoring traditional fractionation in IMRT treatment planning. Optimization Letters 8:4 (2014), 1453-1473.
  17. M.M. Matuszak, J.M. Steers, T. Long, D.L. McShan, B.A. Fraass, H.E. Romeijn, and R.K. Ten Haken. FusionArc Optimization: A hybrid volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) planning strategy. Medical Physics 40:7 (2013), 071713.
  18. P. Dong, P. Lee, D. Ruan, T. Long, H.E. Romeijn, D. Low, P. Kupelian, J. Abraham, Y. Yang, and K. Sheng. 4pi non-coplanar SBRT for centrally located or larger lung tumors. International Journal on Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 86:3 (2013), 407-413.
  19. P. Dong, P. Lee, D. Ruan, T. Long, H.E. Romeijn, Y. Yang, D. Low, P. Kupelian, and K. Sheng. 4pi non-coplanar liver SBRT: A novel delivery technique. International Journal on Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 85:5 (2013), 1360-1366.
  20. Z. Strinka, H.E. Romeijn, and J. Wu. Exact and heuristic methods for a class of selective newsvendor problems with normally distributed demands. Omega 41:2 (2013), 250-258.
  21. E. Salari and H.E. Romeijn. Quantifying the trade-off between IMRT treatment plan quality and delivery efficiency using Direct Aperture Optimization. INFORMS Journal on Computing 24 (2012), 518-533.
  22. Y. Merzifonluoğlu, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. The static stochastic knapsack problem with normally distributed item sizes. Mathematical Programming 134:2 (2012), 459-489.
  23. W. van den Heuvel, O.E. Kundakcioglu, J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, T.C. Sharkey, and A.P.M. Wagelmans. Integrated market selection and production planning: complexity and solution approaches. Mathematical Programming 134:2 (2012), 395-424.
  24. Z.C. Taşkın, J.C. Smith, and H.E. Romeijn. Mixed-integer programming techniques for decomposing IMRT fluence maps using rectangular apertures. Annals of Operations Research 196:1 (2012), 799-818.
  25. F. Peng, X. Jia, X. Gu, M.A. Epelman, H.E. Romeijn, and S.B. Jiang. A new column generation based algorithm for VMAT treatment plan optimization. Physics in Medicine and Biology 57 (2012), 4569-4588.
  26. T. Long, M. Matuszak, M. Feng, D. Fraass, R.K. Ten Haken, and H.E. Romeijn. Sensitivity analysis for lexicographic ordering in radiation therapy treatment planning. Medical Physics 39:6 (2012), 3445-3455.
  27. C. Men, H.E. Romeijn, A. Saito, and J.F. Dempsey. An efficient approach to incorporating interfraction motion uncertainties in IMRT treatment planning. Computers & Operations Research 39:7 (2012), 1779-1789.
  28. M.C. Demirci, A. Schaefer, H.E. Romeijn, and M. Roberts. An exact method for balancing effiency and equity in the liver allocation hierarchy. INFORMS Journal on Computing 24 (2012), 260-275.
  29. C. Rainwater, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. A facility neighborhood search heuristic for capacitated facility location with single-soure constraints and flexible demand. Journal of Heuristics 18:2 (2012), 297-315.
  30. J. Geunes, R. Levi, H.E. Romeijn, and D. Shmoys. Approximation algorithms for supply chain planning problems with market choice. Mathematical Programming 130:1 (2011), 85-106.
  31. H.E. Romeijn and F.Z. Sargut. The stochastic transportation problem with single-sourcing. European Journal of Operational Research 214:2 (2011), 262-272.
  32. T.C. Sharkey, J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, and Z.-J. Shen. Exact algorithms for integrated facility location and production planning problems. Naval Research Logistics 58:5 (2011), 419-436.
  33. E. Salari, C. Men, and H.E. Romeijn. Accounting for the tongue-and-groove effect using a robust direct aperture optimization approach. Medical Physics 38:3 (2011), 1266-1279.
  34. T.C. Sharkey, H.E. Romeijn, and J. Geunes. A class of nonlinear nonseparable continuous knapsack and multiple-choice knapsack problems. Mathematical Programming 126:1 (2011), 69-96.
  35. C. Men, H.E. Romeijn, X. Jia, and S.B. Jiang. Ultra-fast treatment plan optimization for volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT). Medical Physics 37:11 (2010), 5787-5791.
  36. K. Taaffe, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. Supply capacity acquisition and allocation with uncertain customer demands. European Journal of Operational Research 204:2 (2010), 263-273.
  37. D.M. Aleman, D. Glaser, H.E. Romeijn, and J.F. Dempsey. A primal-dual interior point algorithm for fluence map optimization in IMRT treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology 55:18 (2010), 5467-5482.
  38. Z.C. Taşkın, J.C. Smith, H.E. Romeijn, and J.F. Dempsey. Optimal multileaf collimator leaf sequencing in IMRT treatment planning. Operations Research 58:3 (2010), 674-690.
  39. M. Önal and H.E. Romeijn. Multi-item capacitated lot-sizing problems with setup times and pricing decisions. Naval Research Logistics 57:2 (2010), 172-187.
  40. T.C. Sharkey and H.E. Romeijn. Greedy approaches for a class of nonlinear Generalized Assignment Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 158 (2010), 559-572.
  41. H.E. Romeijn, T.C. Sharkey, Z.-J. Shen, and J. Zhang. Integrating facility location and production planning decisions. Networks 55:2 (2010), 78-89.
  42. M. Önal and H.E. Romeijn. Two-echelon requirements planning with pricing decisions. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 5:4 (2009), 767-781.
  43. J. Geunes, Y. Merzifonluoğlu, and H.E. Romeijn. Capacitated procurement planning with price-sensitive demand and general concave revenue functions. European Journal of Operational Research 194:2 (2009), 390-405.
  44. C. Rainwater, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. The Generalized Assignment Problem with flexible jobs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157:1 (2009), 49-67.
  45. D.M. Aleman, H.E. Romeijn, and J.F. Dempsey. A response surface approach to beam orientation optimization in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy treatment planning. INFORMS Journal on Computing 21:1 (2009), 62-76.
  46. H.E. Romeijn and J.F. Dempsey. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy treatment plan optimization. TOP 16:2 (2008), 215-243.
  47. K. Taaffe, H.E. Romeijn, and D. Tirumalasetty. A selective newsvendor approach to order management. Naval Research Logistics 55:8 (2008), 769-784.
  48. D.M. Aleman, A. Kumar, R.K. Ahuja, H.E. Romeijn, and J.F. Dempsey. Neighborhood search approaches to beam orientation optimization in Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy treatment planning. Journal of Global Optimization 42:4 (2008), 587-607.
  49. T.C. Sharkey and H.E. Romeijn. A simplex method for minimum-cost network-flow problems in infinite networks. Networks 52:1 (2008), 14-31.
  50. I.S. Bakal, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. Market selection decisions for inventory models with price-sensitive demand. Journal of Global Optimization 41:4 (2008), 633-657.
  51. T.C. Sharkey and H.E. Romeijn. Simplex-inspired algorithms for solving a class of convex programming problems. Optimization Letters 2:4 (2008), 455-481.
  52. T. Bortfeld, D. Craft, J.F. Dempsey, T. Halabi, and H.E. Romeijn. Evaluating target cold spots by use of tail EUDs. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 71:3 (2008), 880-889.
  53. C. Fox, H.E. Romeijn, B. Lynch, C. Men, D.M. Aleman, and J.F. Dempsey. Comparative analysis of 60Co Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology 53:12 (2008), 3175-3188.
  54. K. Taaffe, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. Target market selection with demand uncertainty: the selective newsvendor problem. European Journal of Operational Research 189:3 (2008), 987-1003.
  55. H.S. Li, H.E. Romeijn, C. Fox, J.R. Palta, and J.F. Dempsey. A computational implementation and comparison of several intensity modulated proton therapy treatment planning algorithms. Medical Physics 35:3 (2008), 1103-1112.
  56. G.J. Burke, J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, and A.J. Vakharia. Allocating procurement to capacitated suppliers with concave quantity discounts. Operations Research Letters 36:1 (2008), 103-109.
  57. C. Men, H.E. Romeijn, Z.C. Taşkın, and J.F. Dempsey. An exact approach to direct aperture optimization in IMRT treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology 52:24 (2007), 7333-7352.
  58. F.Z. Sargut and H.E. Romeijn. Capacitated production and subcontracting in a serial supply chain. IIE Transactions 39:11 (2007), 1031-1043.
  59. G.M. Yamout, K. Hatfield, and H.E. Romeijn. Comparison of new Conditional Value-at-Risk based risk management models for optimal allocation of uncertain water supplies. Water Resources Research 43:7 (2007), W07430.
  60. F.Z. Sargut and H.E. Romeijn. Lot-sizing with nonstationary cumulative capacities. Operations Research Letters 35:4 (2007), 549-557.
  61. Y. Merzifonluoğlu, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. Integrated capacity, demand, and production planning with subcontracting and overtime options. Naval Research Logistics 54:4 (2007), 433-447.
  62. R.K. Ahuja, W. Huang, H.E. Romeijn, and D. Romero Morales. A heuristic approach to the multi-period single-sourcing problem with production and inventory capacities and perishability constraints. INFORMS Journal on Computing 19:1 (2007), 14-26.
  63. H.E. Romeijn, J. Geunes, and K. Taaffe. On a nonseparable convex maximization problem with continuous knapsack constraints. Operations Research Letters 35:2 (2007), 172-180.
  64. S.D. Ekşioğlu, B. Ekşioğlu, H.E. Romeijn. A Lagreangean heuristic for integrated production and transportation planning problems in a dynamic, multi-item, two-layer supply chain. IIE Transactions 39:2 (2007), 191-201.
  65. H.E. Romeijn, J. Shu, and C.P. Teo. Designing two-echelon supply networks. European Journal of Operational Research 178:2 (2007), 449-462.
  66. F.Z. Sargut and H.E. Romeijn. Capacitated requirements planning with pricing flexibility and general cost and revenue functions. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3:1 (2007), 87-98.
  67. J. Choi, S.X. Bai, J. Geunes, and H.E. Romeijn. Manufacturing delivery performance for supply chain management. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 45 (2007), 11-20.
  68. H.E. Romeijn, D. Sharma, and R.L. Smith. Extreme point characterizations for infinite network flow problems. Networks 48:4 (2006), 209-222.
  69. S.D. Ekşioğlu, H.E. Romeijn, and P.M. Pardalos. Cross-facility management of production and transportation planning problem. Computers & Operations Research 33:11 (2006), 3231-3251.
  70. H.S. Li, H.E. Romeijn, and J.F. Dempsey. A Fourier analysis on the optimal grid size for discrete proton beam dose calculation. Medical Physics 33:9 (2006), 3508-3518.
  71. M.A. Odijk, H.E. Romeijn, and H. van Maaren. Generation of classes of robust periodic railway timetables. Computers & Operations Research 33:8 (2006), 2283-2299.
  72. C. Fox, H.E. Romeijn, and J.F. Dempsey. Fast voxel and polygon ray-tracing algorithms for IMRT treatment planning. Medical Physics 33:5 (2006), 1364-1371.
  73. J. Geunes, H.E. Romeijn, and K. Taaffe. Requirements planning with dynamic pricing and order selection flexibility. Operations Research 54:2 (2006), 394-401.
  74. H.E. Romeijn, R.K. Ahuja, J.F. Dempsey, and A. Kumar. A new linear programming approach to radiation therapy treatment planning problems. Operations Research 54:2 (2006), 201-216.
  75. A. Alonso Ayuso, L.F. Escudero, C. Pizarro, H.E. Romeijn, and D. Romero Morales. On solving the multi-period single-sourcing problem under uncertainty. Computational Management Science 3 (2006), 29-53.
  76. J. Choi, J. Cao, H.E. Romeijn, J. Geunes, and S.X. Bai. A stochastic multi-item inventory model with unequal replenishment intervals and limited warehouse capacity. IIE Transactions 37:12 (2005), 1129-1141.
  77. S. van Hoesel, H.E. Romeijn, D. Romero Morales, and A.P.M. Wagelmans. Integrated lot-sizing in serial supply chains with production capacities. Management Science 51:11 (2005), 1706-1719.
  78. S. Sindhuchao, H.E. Romeijn, E. Akçalı, and R. Boondiskulchok. An integrated inventory-routing system for multi-item joint replenishment with limited vehicle capacity. Journal of Global Optimization 32:1 (2005), 93-118.
  79. D.L.J. Alexander, D.W. Bulger, J.M. Calvin, H.E. Romeijn, and R.L. Sherriff. Approximate implementations of Pure Random Search in the presence of noise. Journal of Global Optimization 31:4 (2005), 601-612.
  80. D.W. Bulger and H.E. Romeijn. Optimizing noisy objective functions. Journal of Global Optimization 31:4 (2005), 599-600.
  81. H.E. Romeijn, R.K. Ahuja, J.F. Dempsey, and A. Kumar. A column generation approach to radiation therapy treatment planning using aperture modulation. SIAM Journal on Optimization 15:3 (2005), 838-862.
  82. W. Huang, H.E. Romeijn, and J. Geunes. The Continuous-time Single-Sourcing Problem with capacity expansion opportunities. Naval Research Logistics 52:3 (2005), 193-211.
  83. J.F. Dempsey, H.E. Romeijn, J.G. Li, D.A. Low, and J.R. Palta. A Fourier analysis of the dose grid resolution required for accurate IMRT fluence map optimization. Medical Physics 32:2 (2005), 380-388.
  84. H.E. Romeijn, J.F. Dempsey, and J.G. Li. A unifying framework for multi-criteria fluence-map optimization models. Physics in Medicine and Biology 49:10 (2004), 1991-2013.
  85. H.E. Romeijn and D. Romero Morales. Asymptotic analysis of a greedy heuristic for the multi-period single-sourcing problem: the acyclic case. Journal of Heuristics 10:1 (2004), 5-35.
  86. J. Geunes, Z.J. Shen, and H.E. Romeijn. Economic ordering decisions with market choice flexibility. Naval Research Logistics 51:1 (2004), 117-136.
  87. R. Freling, H.E. Romeijn, D. Romero Morales, and A.P.M. Wagelmans. A Branch and Price algorithm for the multi-period single-sourcing problem. Operations Research 51:6 (2003), 922-939.
  88. H.E. Romeijn, R.K. Ahuja, J.F. Dempsey, A. Kumar, and J.G. Li. A novel linear programming approach to fluence map optimization in intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology 48:21 (2003), 3521-3542.
  89. H.E. Romeijn and D. Romero Morales. An asymptotically optimal greedy heuristic for the multi-period single-sourcing problem: the cyclic case. Naval Research Logistics 50:5 (2003), 412-437.
  90. H.E. Romeijn and D. Romero Morales. Generating experimental data for the Generalized Assignment Problem. Operations Research 49:6 (2001), 866-878.
  91. E. Bogentoft, H.E. Romeijn, and S. Uryasev. Asset/Liability Management for pension funds using CVaR constraints. Journal of Risk Finance 3:3 (2001), 57-71.
  92. H.E. Romeijn and D. Romero Morales. A probabilistic analysis of the multi-period single-sourcing problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 112:1-3 (2001), 301-328.
  93. D.J. Reaume, H.E. Romeijn, and R.L. Smith. Implementing Pure Adaptive Search for global optimization using Markov chain sampling. Journal of Global Optimization 20:1 (2001), 33-47.
  94. P.M. Pardalos, H.E. Romeijn, and H. Tuy. Recent developments and trends in global optimisation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 124 (2000), 209-228.
  95. H.E. Romeijn and N. Piersma. A probabilistic feasibility and value analysis of the Generalized Assignment Problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 4:3 (2000), 325-355.
  96. H.E. Romeijn and D. Romero Morales. A class of greedy algorithms for the Generalized Assignment Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 103:1-3 (2000), 209-235.
  97. H.E. Romeijn, Z.B. Zabinsky, D.L. Graesser, and S. Neogi. A new reflection generator for simulated annealing in mixed integer/continuous global optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 101:2 (1999), 403-427.
  98. H.E. Romeijn and R.L. Smith. Parallel algorithms for solving aggregated shortest path problems. Computers & Operations Research 26:10-11 (1999), 941-953.
  99. Y. Chou, H.E. Romeijn, and R.L. Smith. Approximating shortest paths in large-scale networks with an application to Intelligent Transportation Systems. INFORMS Journal on Computing 10:2 (1998), 163-179.
  100. W.P. Cross, H.E. Romeijn, and R.L. Smith. Approximating extreme points in infinite dimensional convex sets. Mathematics of Operations Research 23:2 (1998), 433-442.
  101. H.E. Romeijn and R.L. Smith. Shadow prices in infinite dimensional linear programming. Mathematics of Operations Research 23:1 (1998), 239-256.
  102. H.E. Romeijn. A general framework for approximate sampling with an application to generating points on the boundary of bounded convex regions. Statistica Neerlandica 52:1 (1998), 42-59.
  103. L.G. Kroon, H.E. Romeijn, and P.J. Zwaneveld. Routing trains through railway stations: complexity issues. European Journal of Operational Research 98:3 (1997), 485-498.
  104. P.J. Zwaneveld, L.G. Kroon, H.E. Romeijn, M. Salomon, S. Dauzère-Pérès, C.P.M. van Hoesel, and H.W. Ambergen. Routing trains through railway stations: model formulation and algorithms. Transportation Science 30:3 (1996), 181-194.
  105. N. Piersma and H.E. Romeijn. Parallel machine scheduling: a probabilistic analysis. Naval Research Logistics 43:6 (1996), 897-916.
  106. H.E. Romeijn and R.L. Smith. Simulated annealing and adaptive search in global optimization. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 8 (1994), 571-590.
  107. H.E. Romeijn and R.L. Smith. Simulated annealing for constrained global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization 5 (1994), 101-126.
  108. Z.B. Zabinsky, R.L. Smith, J.F. McDonald, H.E. Romeijn, and D.E. Kaufman. Improving Hit-and-Run for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization 3 (1993), 171-192.
  109. C.J.P. Bélisle, H.E. Romeijn, and R.L. Smith. Hit-and-Run algorithms for generating multivariate distributions. Mathematics of Operations Research 18:2 (1993), 255-266.
  110. H.E. Romeijn, R.L. Smith, and J.C. Bean. Duality in infinite dimensional linear programming. Mathematical Programming 53 (1992), 79-97.
  111. C.G.E. Boender, R.J. Caron, J.F. McDonald, A.H.G. Rinnooy Kan, H.E. Romeijn, R.L. Smith, J. Telgen, and A.C.F. Vorst. Shake-and-Bake algorithms for generating uniform points on the boundary of bounded polyhedra. Operations Research 39:6 (1991), 945-954.
  112. C.G.E. Boender and H.E. Romeijn. The multidimensional Markov chain with pre-specified asymptotic means and (auto-)covariances. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 20:1 (1991), 345-359.
  113. H.E. Romeijn. Shake-and-Bake algorithms for the identification of non-redundant linear inequalities. Statistica Neerlandica 45 (1991), 31-50.